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Undergraduate Graduation Checklist

The Undergraduate Graduation Checklist 2015-16 (pdf) is available or download. Download the handout to review with your adviser. 2015-16 Graduation information will be available in early Spring Quarter


Registration is required in the term in which your degree is conferred. If you are not planning to enroll in courses during Spring Quarter, you need to apply for an alternative registration status such as Permit for Services Only (PSO), Graduation Quarter, 13th Quarter, or Last Units out of Residence by the preliminary study list deadline of March 28, 2016. For more information on special registration statuses, see the Special Registration Statuses for Undergraduates section of this web site.

The deadline to enroll in courses full time, or to submit a PSO, Graduation Quarter, 13th Quarter, or Last Units out of Residence form,  is the preliminary study list deadline of March 28, 2016.

Complete Senior Survey

Complete the Senior Survey by the application to graduate deadline of April 8, 2016. The Senior Survey is available with the Application to Graduate in Axess. Completion of the survey is required in order to apply to graduate.

Apply to Graduate

Apply to graduate in Axess by the application to graduate deadline of April 8, 2016.

After that date, late applications to graduate will be assessed a $50 fee. The deadline for late applications to graduate is June 1, 2016, and they can be submitted through Axess until that date. No late applications are accepted after June 1.

Check GERs and units toward graduation.

Ensure that you will complete the University requirements by the end of Spring term, including General Education, Writing, Language, and Units requirements. Run your Undergraduate Degree Progress report in Axess to view these University Requirements. Verify progress towards University degree requirements with UAR advisor. Monitor activity units, repeated courses, and credit/no credit courses.

Resolve any inconsistencies by the application to graduate deadline of April 8, 2016.

Check Degree Plan

Ensure your degree plan (majors, minors, secondary majors, interdisciplinary honors, department honors) and degree type (BA, BS, BAS, BAH, BSH, BASH) are correct in Axess. Make changes to your major, minor, and department honors as necessary through Axess.

In order to add or drop interdisciplinary honors, secondary majors, or individually designed majors, submit Declaration or Change of Undergraduate Major, Minor, or Honors form.

The deadline for updating your degree plan is the application to graduate deadline of April 8, 2016.  

Check Department/School Requirements

Ensure that you will complete the requirements for your entire degree plan by the end of Spring quarter, including major(s), minors(s), and school requirements. Check with the student services administrator in your department(s) or school(s) to make sure you are on track to graduate.

Check your requirements with your department by the application to graduate deadline of April 8, 2016.

Submit Multiple Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval form

If you have applied to graduate with a minor or a multiple-major or dual degree, you must submit a Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval Form (pdf) form. If you have a dual degree, multiple major, or a minor and do not submit the form, you will be denied graduation. This form verifies that you did not overlap ("double count") courses for completing major(s) and minor(s) requirements.

The final deadline to submit the form is the Final Study List deadline of April 15, 2016.

Submit Transfer Credit and AP Credit requests

If requesting transfer credit for work already completed, submit the Request for Transfer Credit Evaluation Form (pdf) form. See the Transfer Credit page for policies and procedures. Submit AP credit requests per the instructions on the Advanced Placement page.

The deadline for graduating seniors to submit the Request for Transfer Credit Evaluation is the Final Study List deadline of April 15, 2016.

Submit Coterminal Courses Approval form

Make sure that you file graduation applications for both your undergraduate and your graduate degrees if you plan on having both degrees conferred. If you plan on transferring courses between careers, submit theCoterminal Course Approval Form (pdf).

The deadline for transferring courses is the Final Study List deadline of Friday, April 15, 2016.

Monitor "To Do" Items

Check in Axess the status of "To Do" items. "To Do's" will be placed in Axess in late April for students who have applied to graduate, and will indicate which requirements are still outstanding. If a requirement will be completed during Spring quarter, the "To Do" will remain until a final grade is submitted and the requirement is complete. Be sure your academic plan for Spring Quarter will complete your "To Do" items

The deadline: May 12, 2016.

Resolve missing grades from prior quarters

Target deadline to resolve any missing grades from prior quarters

The deadline: May 10, 2016.

Clear/Avoid Holds on Diploma

Student account should be fully paid to avoid any financial holds that may prevent release of diploma.

The deadline: May 12, 2016.

Diploma Distribution

When you apply to graduate on Axess, you will be asked to inform the Office of the University Registrar how you wish to receive your diploma: at the department ceremony, at the Student Services Center (Tresidder Union, 2nd Floor), or by mail. If you choose to pick up your diploma at the Student Services Center, it will be available starting at 1:00pm on Sunday, June 12, 2016. If you request that your diploma be mailed, it will be sent during July.

You may use Axess (select the "Apply to Graduate" function) as often as necessary to update your diploma distribution instructions through May 30, 2016.

Withdrawing an Application for Bachelor's Degree

If you realize before the conferral date that you will not complete the requirements for your degree in time, submit the Withdrawal of Application to Graduate form.

The deadline to withdraw your application to graduate for Spring is June 1, 2016.

Apply to Graduate Late

Last day to submit a Spring quarter application to graduate. $50 late fee.

The deadline to withdraw your application to graduate for Spring is June 1, 2016.

Student Loans

Degree candidates with student loans through Stanford must complete an online exit interview arranged by Student Financial Services. You should receive information about the interview process prior to commencement. If you have a Stanford loan and do not receive that communication by mid-May, please contact the Student Services Center.

The deadline: June 12, 2016

Update contact information

Forward Stanford email at (Stanford email will be discontinued after 120 days).

Update email and mailing addresses in Axess.

Update Direct Deposit information in ePay.

The deadline: June 12, 2016