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Order Equipment and Services

Whether it’s unlocking the room or running the projector, many services must be coordinated to ensure the success of your event. Here’s a guide to requesting various support services and equipment.

University Service Providers

Services Provider Request Process Lead Time

Indoor Cleaning

* Per the Registrar's Scheduling Office, academic spaces with a expected attendees of 50 or more will require a cleaning work order. This is regardless of the actual number of attendees for your event.

* A work order for locking and unlocking of academic spaces and auditoriums are no longer necessary. If the door to the venue is locked, please call (650) 723-2281.


C&W Services


For instructions please visit this website.

  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Review service rates
  3. Submit a Customer Funded Work Request with O'Neal Patrick (ASSU ) as the approver, using the PTA (Project, Task, Award): 1036515-1-ATCKB. Please be sure to add the 4 digit ASSU Account Number and the name of the Financial Officer in the description. 
  4. To make changes or cancel a request, please e-mail, referencing the work request number. Please visit this website to learn how to check on a status of a work order.

** For large events that take place over the course of multiple days and rooms, a meeting with C&W Services and SAL will be required at least 3 weeks in advance for quoting and scheduling indoor cleaning. Please stop by SAL to schedule this meeting.

5 - 10 Days

Equipment Rental

Technical Services


Event Services


  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Submit online service request
  3. Event Services will provide you with an estimate
  4. Financial Officer approves over e-mail (no delivery)
  5. Event Services sends estimate to ASSU for final approval
  6. ASSU will reply and cc Financial Officer with status: Approved, Pending or Rejected with reasons and how to fix it

5-10 Days

Sprinkler Shutoff

Grounds Maintenance

Exterior Trash Pick-Up

Grounds Services


  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Review service rates
  3. Request an estimate (if needed)
  4. Submit a Customer Funded Work Request5
5 - 10 Days

Spider Boxes

Additional Electrical Needs

Electric Shop

  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Review services
  3. Submit a Customer Funded Work Request5
5 - 10 Days

Charter Buses


Parking & Transportation Services


  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Obtain estimate from department
  3. Submit purchase order request2
  4. Turn in the PO with the estimate from Parking & Transportation Services
  5. Deliver purchase order
30 Days




Garbage Cans

Debris Boxes for Garbage and Recyclables

PSSI (Peninsula Sanitary Service, Inc.)/ Recycling


  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Review service rates / requirements
  3. Follow the guide to submit a Customer Funded Work Request5
  4. If requesting recycling, specify bottles and cans recycling, mixed paper recycling or food waste composting


PSSI will service recycling bins during event if requested. Grounds will service the garbage cans if outside (not in Athletics/Medical Buildings DTZ will service if indoors).

If indoors, please submit one work order at for DTZ and PSSI. If outdoors, please submit two work orders for PSSI and Grounds.

5 - 10 Days

Event Security

Public Safety


  1. Ensure space is confirmed1
  2. Submit a Security Services Request Form
  3. Financial Officer submits a Purchase Order request
  4. Turn in the Purchase Order with the estimate at ASSU for approval
  5. Deliver approved Purchase Order to Public Safety
7 - 10 Days

Online Ticketing

Member Dues


  1. Fill out the Eventbrite form.
5 - 7 Days

Printed Tickets

Stanford Ticket Office

  1. Determine ticket needs (number, general or reserved seating)
  2. File for a ticket request online
  3. Read and Sign Ticketing Contract from STO
  4. Submit a Purchase Order with the contract from STO to ASSU for approval
  5. Deliver approved PO to STO
7 - 10 Days

Medical Services

Stanford EMS

  1. Email the group using the contact info on their request page
14 - 20 Days
  1. Reg - Event space confirmations are emailed based on requests placed via CardinalSync
  2. Purchase Orders requests are submitted by your group's financial officer via myGroups
  3. If requesting "Pick-up" on purchase orders, hand deliver to Bonair Siding
  4. SU - 13 forms are available from the CapGroup in the ASSU/SSE Office (First floor, Old Union)
  5. For Customer Funded Work Requests use the ASSU PTA 1036515-1-ATCKB:
    • Project: 1036515
    • Task: 1
    • Award: ATCKB
    • Route: 1
    • Percentage: 100%
    • Approver: Patrick, O'Neal (*Please note...O'Neal is his first name)
    • Notes to Approver: Include your ASSU number, group name, and which account to charge if you have more than one

Tips: Working with Event Services

  • Request an estimate well in advance, even before your space is confirmed
  • Be clear about the services and equipment you need
  • Know when a technician is required for your venue
  • Submit your final approval and paperwork to CapGroup with enough lead time

Tips: Working with C & W Services and Grounds

Off-campus Vendors

Students can contract outside vendors (e.g. caterers, technical services) unless the venue manager states otherwise. If you plan to do this, be sure to read about negotiating and signing contracts.