10-Step Guide

Step 1: Research & Review Stanford University Policy & Procedures

Acquaint yourself with the following Stanford University policy and procedures:

  • Leave of Absence: You must take a leave of absence from Stanford University to study overseas through a non-Stanford program for any quarter term of the academic year (excluding Summer Quarter) for which you do not wish to enroll in classes at Stanford. You should review all possible ramifications of taking a leave of absence by checking with appropriate University offices (e.g., Housing Assignments, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services, Bechtel International Center, Vaden Health Center) to determine how taking a leave of absence impacts your status with these offices. Students on a leave of absence are not registered and, therefore, do not have the rights and privileges of registered students. For further information, please check the Office of the University Registrar website.
  • Transfer Credit: While credit is guaranteed on Stanford-operated overseas programs, it is not guaranteed on non-Stanford study abroad programs. If you wish to transfer credit and apply those credits toward your Stanford undergraduate’s degree, you should follow the Stanford University transfer credit policy and have the courses approved by the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP). In order to meet major or minor requirements through transfer work, you must have the courses approved by the appropriate department/major after getting approval from BOSP. Please see the Request Transfer Credit page for more information on how to request for transfer credit pre-approval.
  • Financial Aid: If you choose to attend a non-Stanford program, you are not eligible to receive any Stanford University-administered aid during that time. You may arrange for a consortium agreement in order to use your federal or state aid to assist with the cost of courses taken elsewhere which apply toward your Stanford degree program. Please contact the Financial Aid Office to find out more information on consortium agreements and your eligibility for financial aid. If you are on financial aid, please note that enrollment at non-Stanford institutions counts toward an undergraduate student’s maximum number of quarters for purposes of receiving financial aid funds. Students must contact the Financial Aid Office to find out how doing non-Stanford study abroad programs might impact their eligibility of financial aid funds for subsequent quarters at Stanford.

Step 2: Discuss your Plans

Discuss your initial ideas and plans for the summer, semester or entire year abroad with your parents/guardians, academic advisors, Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) advisors, faculty, appropriate departments/programs, and other students who have studied abroad.

Step 3: Conduct Internet Research and Review Printed Materials

  • Conduct internet research and collect information and application forms from program providers or host institutions. You will be amazed how much useful information can be located by doing a simple search based on your area of interest. Give it a try, and if you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask a Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) staff for assistance with your search.
  • Visit the BOSP resource library. Located on the ground floor of Sweet Hall (590 Escondido Mall), the BOSP Resource Library houses information on a variety of study abroad options as well as brochures and program descriptions from both the U.S.- and foreign-based organizations and institutions. The library is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except on University holidays and during the winter closure.
  • You can also obtain information on specific countries directly from cultural offices and/or the government information services of countries that interest you (many countries have consulates in San Francisco). These offices can be especially helpful if you have decided that enrolling directly in a foreign university is your first priority, as they would be able to provide information on their country’s education system.

Step 4: Select your Program Choices

Begin the process of selecting a program by evaluating its quality as well as its capacity to satisfy your interests and needs. You can discuss program and course choices with appropriate individuals on campus, including your academic advisors, Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) advisors, faculty, academic department/program administrators, and BOSP advisors.

Also, try consulting some alumni of any programs of interest and ask for references. Other U.S. students who have been on study abroad programs are usually more than willing to discuss their experiences. Not only can their testimony help you understand more about specific countries and programs, but also about being a student abroad.

Step 5: Prepare your Application(s)

Based on the research and conversations with all appropriate individuals, and your own evaluation of each program, make your final selection of the program(s) that would be the best fit for your academic interests and needs and prepare an application for each program.

Step 6: Study Abroad approval for Study Abroad Approval and Transfer Credit Pre-Approval

Most non-Stanford study abroad programs require your home institution to sign a study abroad approval form. If your program does require you to get study abroad approval, BOSP can assist you with this.

It will take BOSP at least 4-5 business days to process your study abroad approval form.

If you wish to seek transfer credit pre-approval:

  • Visit the Request Transfer Credit page of our website.
  • Submit the form for your request for transfer credit pre-approval or for work already completed to the Student Services center located at Tressidor or directly to the Bing Overseas Studies Program located at 590 Escondido Mall on the Ground Floor of Sweet Hall.

Step 7: Submit your Study Abroad Program Application(s)

Submit your completed applications before the designated deadlines. Be aware of the deadline dates for each; it usually takes quite some time to gather all of the materials you need to apply. If your program requires letters of recommendation, in most cases it does, you will want to be sure to contact references several months in advance of the deadline, giving them ample time to complete their letters of support.

Step 8: Complete the BOSP Study Abroad Registration

If you have originally completed registration for more than one program, please email the BOSP Non-Study Abroad Study Advisor notifying the specific study abroad program you choose to participate.

Step 9: Notify All Appropriate University Offices and Complete Required Administrative Procedures

Be sure to notify all other appropriate University offices (e.g., Academic Departments/Programs, Office of the University Registrar, Housing Assignments Office, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services, Bechtel International Center, the Office of Community Standards, Vaden Health Center) to complete the required paperwork and administrative procedures for you to study overseas through a non-Stanford program.

Step 10: Prepare to Study Abroad

Refer to these helpful resources for more information about how to prepare for your study abroad experience.