Award-Winning Teachers and Their Courses 2012-2013


More information on the faculty member can be found by clicking on their name, and undergraduate classes they are teaching in the 2012-2013 academic year are highlighted. In addition to course offerings, many of these faculty work with undergraduates through independent reading, independent research, or other projects.  We encourage you to search for additional opportunities to work with these Award -Winning Teachers in Explore Courses.

Walter J. Gores Award

The Gores Award is the University's highest award for excellence in teaching. As the University's highest award for teaching, the Gores Award celebrates achievement in educational activities that include lecturing, tutoring, advising, and discussion leading.

Photo of Stephen Haber

Professor Stephen Haber
Political Science, History, Economics, Hoover Institution



Photo of George Hilley

Professor George Hilley
Geological and Environmental Sciences


Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education

Established in 2001, the Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education Program recognizes faculty for extraordinary contributions to undergraduate education, including faculty from the graduate and professional schools.

Photo of Kevin Arrigo

Professor Kevin Arrigo
Environmental Earth System Science

Autumn - EARTHSYS141: Remote Sensing of the Oceans
Winter - BIO 117, EARTHSYS 111, EESS 111: Biology and Global Change
Winter - EARTHSYS 251, EESS 151, EESS 251: Biological Oceanography
Spring - EARTHSYS 8, EESS 8:The Oceans: An Introduction to the Marine Environment

Photo of Donna Bouley

Professor Donna Bouley
Comparative Medicine

Autumn, Winter, Spring - COMPMED 110: Pre-Vet Advisory
Winter - COMPMED 81N: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Mammals
Summer - COMPMED 10SC: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Mammals

Photo of James Campbell

Professor James Campbell



Photo of Martha Cyert

Professor Martha Cyert

Autumn, Winter - BIO 44X: Core Molecular Biology Laboratory


Photo of Justin Dubois

Professor Justin Du Bois

Autumn, Spring - CHEM 35: Organic Monofunctional Compounds


Photo of Mehran Sahami

Professor Mehran Sahami
Computer Science

Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer - CS 192: Programming Service Project
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer - CS 106A: Programming Methodology (ENGR 70A)
Autumn, Winter, Spring - CS 198: Teaching Computer Science
Winter, Spring - CS 109: Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists


ASSU Teaching Award

This is a student-nominated teaching award.

Photo of Cheryl Brown

Associate Director Dr. Cheryl Brown
African and African American Studies

Autumn - AFRICAAM 105: Introduction to African and African American Studies


Photo of Cherri Moraga

Professor Cherrie Moraga

Winter - CHILATST 179: Chicano & Chicana Theater: Politics In Performance (TAPS 179, TAPS 379)


Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize

The Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize recognizes not only excellence in teaching but also the ability to inspire personal and intellectual development beyond the classroom. This may include, but is not limited to, encouraging critical and analytical thinking, taking an active interest in students as individuals, and influencing the way students think about the world. Every year, members of Phi Beta Kappa present an award to an outstanding member of the faculty. Nominations are accepted from members of the senior class. The winner is then selected by a panel of Seniors in Phi Beta Kappa.

Photo of Daniel Garza

Professor Daniel Carlos Garza
Orthopedic Surgery & Emergency Medicine

Winter - BIO 112: Human Physiology (BIO 212, HUMBIO 133)


Photo of Stephen Haber

Professor Stephen H. Haber
Political Science, History, Economics, Hoover Institution



Photo of Michael Rosenfeld

Professor Michael J. Rosenfeld

Autumn - SOC 155: The Changing American Family (SOC 255)
Winter - SOC 149: The Urban Underclass (SOC 249, URBANST 112)
Winter - SOC 180B: Introduction to Data Analysis (SOC 280B)

Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching (H&S)

Established in 1975, the Dean’s Award recognizes the efforts of exceptional teachers in the School of Humanities and Sciences. The award is given for excellence in graduate education, achievements in teaching, and first years of teaching at Stanford.

Photo of Donald Kennedy

Professor Donald Kennedy
Human Biology

Autumn - CSRE 51K: Election 2012 (HISTORY 51K, POLISCI 51K)


Photo of John Perry

Professor John Perry



Photo of Justin Grimmer

Professor Justin Grimmer
Political Science



Photo of Michelle Karnes

Professor Michelle Karnes



Photo of Ran Abramitzky

Professor Ran Abramitzky

Autumn - ECON 50: Economic Analysis I


Photo of Jennifer Schwartz

Senior Lecturer Jennifer Schwartz

Autumn - Chem 31A: Chemical Principles I
Autumn - Chem 31AC: Problem Solving in Science
Winter - Chem 31B: Chemical Principles II
Winter - Chem 31BC: Problem Solving in Science
Spring - Chem 33: Structure and Reactivity
Spring - Chem 33C: Problem Solving in Science

Photo of James Fearon

Professor James Fearon
Political Science

Winter - POLISCI 152: Introduction to Game Theoretic Methods in Political Science (POLISCI 352)


Tau Beta Pi Teaching Award (School of Engineering)

This award is a singular honor awarded to one professor, assistant professor, or associate professor from the School of Engineering each year in recognition of his or her dedication to teaching undergraduates. To be worthy of this award, a professor must go beyond simply explaining the material or getting midterms back on time. This sort of teacher is exceptional in front of the class, welcoming and useful during office hours, and devoted in all aspects of the learning process.

Lecturer Keith Schwarz
Computer Science

Autumn, Winter, Spring CS 103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer CS 106A: Programming Methodology (ENGR 70A)
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer CS 106B: Programming Abstractions (ENGR 70B)

Excellence in Teaching (School of Earth Sciences)

This award was established in 1982 to acknowledge and recognize faculty's dedication to quality teaching.

Photo of Andre Journel

Professor Emeritus Andre Journel
Energy Resources Engineering



Allan Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research

The Cox medal is awarded to a faculty person who has established a record of excellence directing undergraduate research over a number of years. It may also go to a faculty member who has done an especially outstanding job with just one or two undergraduates whose work is unusually superior.

Photo of Katharine Maher

Professor Katharine Maher
Geological and Environmental Sciences

Spring - GES 39N: Forensic Geoscience: Stanford CSI