About Bing Honors College

Bing Honors College Overview
Bing Honors College (BHC) is a three-week program in early September for students actively engaged in researching and drafting their honors theses. BHC participants work individually and collectively on their theses with the support and guidance of faculty leaders and graduate student assistants. As a result, BHC students begin senior year in an atmosphere of shared intellectual purpose with a serious commitment to independent scholarship.
By participating as a residential student, you can move back to campus prior to fall quarter
All students who are accepted into their department's or program's Honors program, and whose department/program is a Bing Honors College participant, are eligible. Students who are training to be house staff or who are working full time or during the day are ineligible
The list of participating BHC departments and programs for 2016 will be available here in mid-March
Review learning opportunities, residential living, and schedule overview