
Teaching in Thinking Matters
Teaching a course in the Thinking Matters program is uniquely rewarding. Students are eager to learn because they receive their #1 choice among the many options that satisfy the liberal education requirement. Because they are freshmen, they bring fresh ideas and unbounded enthusiasm to the classroom and often inspire their instructors to new insights. Thinking Matters courses are all team taught, generating creative collaborations between Stanford faculty and fellows selected through a competitive national search. The learning environment is student –centered with the goal of engaging first-year students in the life of the mind.
Teaching Resources
Information for faculty
Information for fellows
Interested in teaching in Thinking Matters? Instructions on proposing a new course.
Interested in becoming a fellow in Thinking Matters?
Resources available for Thinking Matters faculty and fellows.
Thinking Matters courses break the normal conventions of teaching by establishing strong team collaboration among faculty and fellows.
Tutorials present the opportunity to personalize the attention to student learning.
Listing of Thinking Matters Alumni