
The Four-Year Plan: A Reframing of Contemporary Debate Regarding the "Death" of American Undergraduate Liberal Education

A procession of students in black graduation robes. Photo by Gordon Griffiths.
Ansh Shukla, '16

My paper was undeniably a response to Ken Auletta's “Get Rich U.” and – in many ways – my attempt at a defense of Stanford' pedagogical mission. Over the course of conducting research for the paper, I became increasingly convinced that modern critics yearned for a return to Ivy League curriculums from the ‘60s instead of seriously attempting to understand the higher education zeitgeist of our times, and I wanted to capture this sentiment and its associated issues in the work.

Managing the Mean Girl: California's Incomplete State Policy on Social Aggression

Adolescent girl. Photo by mickey van der stap.
Kirstin Wagner, '15

Throughout middle school and high school, I heard many girls complain that they only had male friends because girls were too catty, backstabbing, or “bitchy.” I did not want to believe that girls could be inherently more prone to this kind of aggression than boys, which led me to my first research question: “why do girls engage in behaviors like gossiping or exclusion?

Where the Wild Things Should Be: Healing Nature Deficit Disorder through the Schoolyard

Children in schoolyard. Photo by saritbenmayor; englishirond.wikispaces.com
Charlotte Geaghan-Breiner, '15

What drove my research-based argument was a sense of justice: all children need experiences in nature for healthy development, and yet research shows that children have substantially less access to nature than previous generations. An easy way to tackle this issue, I thought, would be to modify our schoolyards so as to re-integrate nature into the lives of children today.

Twice Unwanted

Photo of two books
Lynnelle Ye, '14

Twice Unwanted: Passing Race and Gender in Patricia Powell’s The Pagoda and Cherene Sherrand-Johnson’s Portraits of the New Negro Woman. For this project, Lynnelle read, researched, and wrote about two books which deal with the intersection of race and gender in two very instructive contexts. The Pagoda by Patricia Powell is a historical novel about a Chinese woman who immigrates to Jamaica in the late 1800s, disguising herself as a man to dodge laws forbidding female emigration.

Here we aren’t so quickly

Photo of Rain Sun reciting poem
Raina Sun, '13

The Spoken Word Collective is dedicated to cultivating exquisite emotion in explosive written and spoken poetry. We are a group of poets that performs at campus events, community programs, and ACUI's National Poetry Slam. We also hold quarterly shows, bring artists to campus, and hold writing workshops, all open to the public.

Here we aren't so quickly (after Jonathan Safran Foer)

by Raina Sun

I'm at this funny point in life

where it's getting harder and harder

to see into my future.  

Climate Changers

Photo of Stanford students in a discussion
Class Project

During the winter quarter of 2013, students in two sections of PWR 2 "Communicating Science and the Environment," taught by Carolyn Ross, collaborated with the Stanford Woods Institute's Leopold Leadership Program and Governor Jerry Brown's Office of Planning and Research to produce a set of 13 videos about rapid global environmental change.  The goal of the "Climate Changers" series, the idea for which originated with Governor Brown, is to inform public audiences about cutting-edge climate change research and to help turn policy discussions toward solutions.

Writers Record Stories for Radio

2012 Arts Intensive students in Shimon Tanaka's Fiction Writing class record their stories for radio at Stanford University.
Class Project

Like all of the students who took Arts Intensive courses, the twelve writers in Shimon Tanaka’s 2012 Fiction Writing class only had two weeks to devote to the writing of their stories.  Most of these writers studied fiction writing for the first time, and they threw themselves into their projects with energy and abandon: reading and writing from the first day and embarking on field trips in San Francisco to discover its literary communities and local inspiration.  Students had the opportunity to interact with their writing on another level by recording their stor


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