
“A Voice to Isolde”

Sydney Hutton, '19 & Gabrielle Posard, '19

Combining spoken word and modern dance, Sydney Hutton and Gabri Posard gave voice to Fair Isolde from Gottfried von Stratssburg’s Tristan. They probed the duality of love, the physicality of passion as both lustful and romantic and the interdependence of all experiences in the character’s life using the nuanced character of Isolde as inspiration.

Poetic Cartography: Capturing the Tenor of Japan and Taiwan Through Verse

Joshua De Leon, '17

What is poetic cartography? Simply, it seeks to accomplish the same thing a map does - guide the reader through an unfamiliar place. Instead of county borders and bodies of water, however, I want to explore something harder to find on your handy atlas - the human situation in that unfamiliar place, the beauty and pain within those borders and seas.

Cognitive Tools of Social Networking Across Cultures

Images of emoticons.
Group Project

Technologies of Civilization: Writing, Numbers, and Money (ClassGen 22N) an IntroSem taught by Professor Reviel Netz  to freshmen in the autumn, investigates the global “role of cognition in shaping history and the role of history in shaping cognition,” with special emphasis on the ancient technologies of writing, numbers, and money.

Review of Beethoven Concert No. 3

Members of the Stanford Symphony orchestra standing.
Arun Kulshreshtha, '15

In early 2013, Stanford Symphony Orchestra embarked on “The Beethoven Project,” performing all 9 of Beethoven’s symphonies, all 5 piano concertos, and several other major orchestral works, ultimately concluding with a grand performance tour of Europe. I am not a member of the orchestra, but as an avid listener of classical music and Beethoven enthusiast, I wanted to partake in this great musical endeavor.

Wanted in Every Sense of the Word: Deconstructing the Romanticized Outlaw Hero

Cartoon image of suspicious eyes in a mask
Kat Gregory, '16

An original contribution to the collective scholarly body of knowledge? Yeah, right. It took up until the last week of class for me to come to terms with the idea that an “original contribution” does not have to be a solution or even a clear-cut answer. It can be as simple as looking at a familiar situation in an original way. And yet, this is not exactly a comforting revelation, because seeing something in a different light is not as simple as following formulas and obeying natural laws in Calculus or Chemistry.

[Belief]: An Anthology of Spiritual and Religious Writing at Stanford University

Image of female touching forehead to clasped hands
Heidi Thorsen, '12

[Belief] features the work of Stanford students who use creative self-expression to map their relationship to matters of faith.  The contributions range from personal statements of faith to creative experiments that probe the inherent uncertainty of belief.  

The anthology includes contributions by Johnathan Bowes, Ashley Micks, Michelle Jia, Austin Elizabeth Williams, and Taylor Winfield. Photograph by Rasheedat Zakare-Fagbamila.

When Gaming Goes Bad: An Exploration of Videogame Harassment Towards Female Gamers

Pixelated video game character. Author: Jason Rohrer
Kaitlyn Williams, '16

Slightly intimidated is exactly how I felt during my first day in Christine Alfano’s “Rhetoric of Gaming” course.  For starters, the class was eighty percent male. Moreover, considering that my gaming experience amounted mostly to The Sims and Mario Kart, I was doubtful of whether or not I could even classify myself as a gamer. Nonetheless, I easily found relatable topics to write about, and quickly realized that my gaming experiences (or lack thereof) gave my voice a unique and valuable perspective.


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