Get Tutoring or Language Practice

Three students, two female, one male, seated at a table, gesturing, laughing

About Peer Subject Tutoring

Peer subject tutoring is offered free of charge to students enrolled in the appropriate courses. Tutoring is offered in Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters from the Sunday of Week 2 (that is, the Sunday after classes begin) through the last day of classes.

Drop-in tutoring

Drop-in tutoring is available in introductory courses in biology, chemistry, math, and physics. Bring specific questions or just sit and study with other students and know that a tutor is available if you need one. No signup required. All sessions are open to all Stanford students, graduate or undergraduate, who are enrolled in the courses offered. See the drop-in schedule.

Tutoring by appointment

We offer 1:1 appointments in bio, chem, econ, engineering, human biology, math, physics, and statistics. (To check whether your course is included, see Subjects Tutored.) Please go to and choose "VPTL: Subject Appointments" to search availability. You must be enrolled in the course to see availability and book.

About Language Practice

Language conversation practice is offered by 1:1 appointment in Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters from the Sunday of Week 2 through the last day of classes. Meet with a fluent Language Conversation Partner (LCP) to practice the language you're studying.

In 2015-16 we're offering it in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Any student enrolled in the appropriate course, whether you're an undergrad or a grad student, can make an appointment.

Difficulty booking? Check for:

  • If all appointments in the next two weeks are already booked, you won't see availability. Students can only book 14 days in advance, though, so keep checking back.
  • You must be enrolled in the language course you're looking for. If you've recently changed your courses, it'll take a few days for our system to be updated.

Still having trouble? Write to with your details so we can help.


About Our Tutors

Looking for someone to hire as an individual tutor?  Sorry, VPTL can't help with that. We suggest you first take full advantage of your profs' and TAs' office hours, which is always a good idea anyway. Then, if you still want to hire someone, we suggest you check with the department to see whether they maintain a list of advanced students willing to tutor for pay.

Contact usIf you have any questions, please write to

See Also