Also available: real time service advisories and real time elevator status.
We know you depend on BART and we're striving to give you the best service updates possible. If you have any ideas for improvements, please let us know.
Escalators may be out of service for the following reasons:
Evaluating: The process of opening up an escalator and determining the extent of repairs needed to safely return the unit to service. After the evaluation, repair plans will be put in place factoring in needed parts, resources and impact to system.
Major Repair: Maintenance that will need immediate attention and will require significant down time is considered a major repair. This type of work is usually discovered by a significant failure or routine maintenance check.
Modernization: Replacement of escalators is required due to heavy usage over time; the parts become less reliable despite regular preventive maintenance. Escalators should be modernized every 20-25 years and replaced after 40-50 years. The modernization schedule can vary year-to-year based on the age and condition of units and available funding. Modernized escalators are typically out of service from 10-20 weeks, depending on the length of the escalator, as the old units are removed and new components installed. Modernized units are as much as 30% more energy efficient than the old units due to premium efficiency motors and adjustable frequency drives. Benefits from new technology in rehabilitated units will provide real-time data to monitor performance assisting in planning maintenance rather than reacting to outages. The end result is patrons get a more reliable escalator.
Planned Maintenance: Accomplishing identified maintenance that is required and planned at a time that will cause the least amount of impact to the system and patrons. Items have been identified and need to be corrected but will start when all parts, equipment and manpower is available to accomplish repairs with the intent to have minimal down time of the unit.
Preventative Maintenance: Monthly planned maintenance to accomplish routine tasks, items such as lubing components and servicing oil in gearboxes. Preventative Maintenance checks are accomplish during non-commute periods and unless a major issue is identified return to service the same day. These monthly tasks help the reliability of the units and identify issues in order to schedule maintenance that will limit disruption to the patrons.
Repair: Maintenance that will require out of service time to accomplish. This type of repair will normally take less time than a major repair to accomplish and return the unit back to service. Based on the scope of work, the repair work will be accomplished during non-peak hours to minimize service disruptions.
Safety Inspection: State codes mandate annual inspections accomplished on all escalators to assure that units are operating safely. If discrepancies are discovered during these inspections the units are immediately taken out service until repairs are completed. A safety inspection is conducted by a state licensed technician on any unit that is involved in a patron incident. A unit involved in such an incident will have a safety inspection and any identified repairs completed before it is returned to revenue service.
Scheduled Support: Escalator taken out of service to support other maintenance activity in the station. Examples include repairs to station lighting and platform tiles.