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Build your presence

Facebook Pages and Instagram business profiles put your business where people spend their time discovering.

Get discovered using Facebook and Instagram

Get discovered

People come to Facebook and Instagram to explore new things, including brands and businesses.

Create a mobile online presence with Facebook and Instagram

Be on mobile in minutes

Pages and business profiles take minutes to set up and look great on every device.

Share business news with customers on Facebook and Instagram

Talk with customers easily

Keep in touch with customers through posts, comments and private messaging.


Establish your business where people are spending their time—on Facebook

Create a Facebook business Page and establish a mobile-friendly hub to get discovered and connect with people. With a Facebook business Page, you can communicate directly with customers, help them learn more about your business, offer customer service and tell visual stories.

Use Facebook Pages to talk about your business

Keep people updated

People can check your Page for information and updates or follow it and sign up to get notifications about your Facebook posts.

Tell beautiful stories

Share updates through text, photos, videos and more to keep people interested and coming back.

Know how it’s working

With Page Insights, you can see exactly how your Facebook Page is helping you accomplish your business goals.


People are finding the businesses, brands and products they love on Instagram

More than 500 million Instagrammers are discovering new things every month, and businesses are using the platform to share their stories in visual ways that people enjoy. Like Facebook Pages, Instagram business profiles connect people and businesses on mobile. Use Instagram to tell your business story, connect with your audience and generate demand for your products.

Use Instagram business profile to connect with people

Connect with people

People can follow your Instagram business profile to see, comment on and share your posts in their feed.

Use Instagram business profile to express your business visually

Create stories they'll love

Use photos and videos to express your business visually.

Use Instagram business profile to measure impact

Measure the impact

You can see exactly how your Instagram activity is helping you accomplish your business goals.

Establish your business on Facebook and Instagram to connect with customers.

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.