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Entertainment & media

Captivate your audience with Facebook for media.

Facebook is where audiences discover and engage with the entertainment they love

Make your media discovered using Facebook advertising


Over 1.8 billion people visit Facebook every month, making it the most efficient way to reach large audiences for film, TV, music, news and other media.

Reach your audience on Facebook to make them engaged with your media


Solidify your core audience by reaching them with the right content at the right time, and persuade entirely new audiences to engage.

Drive action for your entertainment on Facebook


Drive actions both online and off—like subscribing, reading and streaming content, installing apps, tuning in to shows, or attending movies and events.

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more than30 millionvideo views

USA Network

Read their story

USA Network rewrote the rules of series launches

The Mr. Robot launch reached 5X more people on Facebook and Instagram than the average TV launch, and generated over 30 million video views.


The New York Times grew its readership with personalized content

The newspaper used targeting and data insights to deliver more personally relevant content—and grow subscription conversions by 2.3x.

Example of a Facebook ad on mobile from The New York Times

2.3xincrease in subscription conversions

The New York Times

Read their story

Lights, camera...customer actions

Find the right Facebook marketing solutions for your biggest media challenges.

Use Facebook video ads to capture the user attention to your media

Capture attention

Over 100 million hours of video are viewed on Facebook every day. Start speaking the native language of entertainment: sight, sound, and motion.

Use Facebook targeting options to deliver the right message to the right audience

Deliver the right message

Put the right version of your message in front of the people you most want to persuade, at exactly the right times.

Use Facebook Reach and Frequency to reach your audience at an optimal frequency

Spend wisely

Drive outcomes efficiently. Grow your audience by reaching everyone you want to reach at an optimal frequency, for optimal ad spend.

Get more of your entertainment mobile app to be installed using Facebook ads

Get more app installs

Facebook is the #1 app for time spent on mobile. Find the people most likely to use your app, and get them to install.

We’ve shifted ad dollars from TV to Facebook video, as it’s the only way we can get perfect targeting and a proven return on investment. We may be early adopters of what will be the new standard.

Scott Macaluso

Digital Marketing Director, J&R Adventures

Become a media marketing buff with Blueprint

Video Ads

Learn how to make and measure video ads


Learn how to improve targeting for your ads

Reach & Frequency

Learn how to optimize your campaign

App installs

Learn how to get people to install your app


See how entertainment and media businesses grow with Facebook

Sony promoted its movie premier, for a 2x lift in intent to watch

Joe Bonamassa used video ads to gain new fans and reach 2.4 million views

Author Mark Dawson promoted his online course for 15x return on ad spend

The San Jose Sharks reached their most loyal fan base for a 33x return on ad spend

Start growing your audience today.

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