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Supply Chain


 An earthquake in Nepal in April injured more than 19,000 people. | Courtesy Paul Auerbach
May 26, 2015

Paul Auerbach: Lessons from the Disaster Zone

A Stanford doctor who’s worked in Nepal and Haiti explains what leaders should know before the next natural disaster strikes.
Insights and ideas on operations, information, and technology, including the management of systems, processes, and networks.
August 10, 2016

How to Improve Working Conditions in the Developing World

A major sporting goods manufacturer found a surprising way to improve workers’ lives while maximizing productivity.
August 1, 2016

A Way to Fix the “One Bad Apple” Dilemma in Untraceable Supply Chains

Regulating quality standards for “untraceable goods” benefits consumers and producers alike.
May 26, 2015

Paul Auerbach: Lessons from the Disaster Zone

A Stanford doctor who’s worked in Nepal and Haiti explains what leaders should know before the next natural disaster strikes.
May 2, 2014

Kostas Bimpikis: Are Global Supply Networks Too Interconnected?

How a company’s effort to decentralize its supply chain can increase risk of disruption.
May 1, 2014

Hau Lee: A Surprising Formula for Improved Supply Chain Performance

Responsible supply chain practices are associated with lower operating costs and improved overall performance.
February 5, 2014

Researchers: How to Create Sustainable Tourism in Rural China

By making key changes to the normal supply chain supporting tourism, a group of researchers look to alleviate rural poverty.
February 3, 2014

How Companies Can Protect Themselves Against Intellectual Property Risk in Their Supply Chains

Experts on supply chain management and intellectual property outline three ways businesses can safeguard their proprietary information.
September 19, 2013

A Team of Researchers Explores Health Care Delivery in Africa

Can well-managed fleets of vehicles increase health worker productivity?
November 6, 2012

Slavery in Supply Chains

An MBA student urges consumers, NGOs, and companies to end slavery in supply chains of everyday products.
May 29, 2012

Innovation: Using Paralegals for Grassroots Justice

Nonprofit Namati brings legal resources to countries around the world that are short on courts and lawyers.