In the News

Scopeblog, 03/01/16
--Using arts and communication to help physicians improve health, avoid suicide
"Doctors and soldiers are not often superhuman, but we often expect them to be. I tell the doctors, 'That's a white coat, not a cape you wear.' " The words of medical humanities scholar Jacqueline Genovese. She recently co-authored a paper that highlighted the importance of providing ways to help improve physician well-being and prevent burn-out.

Time, 02/02/16
In Embryo Research We Need Laws First, Then Science
This piece, published in Time, written by David Magnus, director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and Nicole Martinez, lecturer and fellow at Stanford University, discusses how the U.S. must improve its regulation of reproductive technologies. 

Scope, 02/01/16
--Cautious green light for CRISPR use in embryos in the U.K.; Stanford's Hank Greely weighs in
Hank Greely
, with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, provided analysis of the recent decision by the British Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in the U.K. to permit the limited use of CRISPR in human embryos., 01/22/16
--Pets on Prozac: Dogs Take Medication to Help with Separation Anxiety
Watch Pets on Prozac: Dogs Take Meds to Help with Anxiety featuring Laurel Braitman.

KQED (NPR), 01/15/16
--CRISPR patent war: Billions at stake for UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley and the Broad Institute are vying to hold the patent for CRISPR-Cas9, the powerful gene editing tool.
Mildred Cho, professor of pediatrics and of medicine and associate director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, is quoted here.

Fast Company, 01/13/16
--Due to this obscure loophole, some medical tests avoid oversight
The Food and Drug Administration does not currently regulate lab-developed tests, or medical tests that are designed and administered in a single laboratory, but it may expand its overview in coming months.
Hank Greely, with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, is quoted here.

San Jose Mercury News, 01/11/16
--Bay Area biologist's gene-editing kit lets do-it-yourselfers play God at the kitchen table
This article discusses a DIY gene-editing kit that can be purchased by consumers for $120. David Relman and Hank Greely, with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, provide comment.

OZY, 01/8/16
The final installment in a five-part OZY series exploring the Big Ideas shaping our tech-driven future. Christopher Thomas Scott, PhD, of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, is quoted in this article.

Los Angeles Times, 12/28/15
--What constitutes brain death? Depends on which hospital you're in, study finds
A new report reveals that variability may exist in individual institutional policies regarding the determination of brain death. David Magnus, the Thomas A. Raffin Professor and director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, provides comment.

Advance Health Care Information

California law give you the ability to ensure that your health care wishes are known and considered if you become unable to make these decisions yourself. Completing a form called an “Advance Health Care Directive” allows you to do a number of things:

Appoint another person to be your health care “agent”

Delineate your health care wishes, such as:

  • Health care instructions, including life support, organ and tissue donation
  • Revoke prior directives

A sample form is attached for reference. Acknowledgment before a notary public is not required if two qualified witnesses have signed this Directive in Part 5. In other words this is a free legally binding document.

Ways to Give Gifts

A gift may be made in the form of a check, securities, a bequest, or a complex trust arrangement designed to maximize tax advantages. Checks should be made payable to Stanford University.

For financial donations, please contact the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics at 650-723-5760.


Upcoming Events



April 14, 2016, 5:30pm
MEDICINE and the MUSE: An Arts, Humanities and Medicine Symposium
LKSC Berg Hall
Stanford School of Medicine

Featured Speaker: Anne Lamott
Author of seven novels including:Hard LaughterJoe JonesBlue Shoe,All New PeopleCrooked Little Heart, and Imperfect Birds. She has also written several bestselling books of nonfiction and three collections of autobiographical essays on faith. Lamott has been honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship, has taught at UC Davis and writing conferences across the country, and has been inducted into the California Hall of Fame.

We are currently not accepting RSVPs






Past Events

Health Care: The Human Story
Anna Deavere Smith
Playwright - Actor - Professor

25th Annual Jonathan J. King Lectureship
Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 5:30 pm
Li Ka Shing Center: Berg Hall
Stanford School of Medicine

24th Annual Jonathan J. King Lectureship video presentation
Discussing Palliative Care Earlier: 
A Conversation Between Dr. Kalanithi and Dr. Quill

Timothy E. Quill, MD, FACP, FAAHPM 
October 21, 2014