
Bedside Consultation: The Ethics Committee of the Stanford Hospital and Clinics provides a medical ethics consult service for the hospital and clinics. Anyone may request a consult--physicians, nurses, allied health care professionals, staff, patients or their families. Ethics consults usually involve a situation where patient care is impacted by conflicts in values between and/or among patients, families, and treatment providers.

Benchside Consultation: Benchside consultations might be conducted for a variety of purposes, including analyzing the impacts of a particular policy on the conduct of bench science, identifying the ethical or social impacts of conducting a particular line of research, or suggesting specific actions to minimize risks and maximize benefits to society of pursuing that line of research.

To Request a Consult

Call the Center for Biomedical Ethics at (650) 723-5760


Page the consult leader by calling (650) 723-8222 and enter the pager number 16230, then a return phone number.