Blood Types

ABO is the most important of several blood group systems for typing human blood, based on the presence or absence of two antigens (A and B) on the surface of red blood cells. Blood types are A, B, AB, and O.

Blood Type Breakdown

Blood Type

How Many Have It


O + 1 person in 3 37.4%
O - 1 person in 15 6.6%
A + 1 person in 3 35.7%
A - 1 person in 16 6.3%
B + 1 person in 12 8.5%
B - 1 person in 67 1.5%
AB + 1 person in 29 3.4%
AB - 1 person in 167 .6%

"The rarest blood type is the type that's not available when YOU need it!"

Blood Compatibility Chart


You Can Receive Type

If You Are

  O+ O- A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB-
O+ * *            
O-   *            
A+ * * * *        
A-   *   *        
B+ * *     * *    
B-   *       *    
AB+ * * * * * * * *
AB-   *   *   *   *