Stanford Blood Center to Honor Elite Group of Blood Donors at Breakfast

October, 2008
Attention News Desk: Press Release (for immediate release)
Michele Hyndman (650) 723-8237

STANFORD, Calif.,—On Oct. 30, the Stanford Blood Center will honor more than 400 donors who have made 100 or more blood donations. “This is not your typical Silicon Valley business breakfast. This amazing group of people have helped save countless lives and their commitment to our community is remarkable,” said center spokesperson Michele Hyndman.

Between 7:30 and 9 a.m., donors and staff will gather at the Sheraton Hotel, 625 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, to enjoy a buffet breakfast. Two of the special guests will be donors who have reached 500 donations. Donors who attend the event are encouraged to wear the shirt they receive when they reach a milestone in increments of 100 donations.

“It’s the highlight of my year,” said blood donor Dennis Briskin. “This is one place I can go to rub elbows with the most dedicated, public health-oriented people I know. To put my shirt on and see others in their shirts, it’s such a special event unlike anything I do throughout the year.

“These donors share the value with me that no matter what else is going on in their lives, they take time to help patients who will never be able to thank us,” he added.

Currently, the blood center is below minimum inventory in seven out of eight blood types. “In addition to celebrating our most dedicated donors, we hope this event inspires others in our community to donate blood. The need for blood continues to rise, and Stanford Blood Center needs new people to make the commitment to save lives,” said Hyndman.

The blood center serves patients at Stanford Hospital & Clinics, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Clinic, El Camino Hospital, O'Connor Hospital, the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, the Livermore Veterans Affairs Hospital and three freestanding local surgery centers.

Donors can call (650) 723-7831 or toll-free (888) 723-7831 to make an appointment and get directions. Donors should be in good health with no cold or flu symptoms. They must eat well prior to donation, drink fluids and present photo identification at the time of donation. The process takes about an hour. For more information or to schedule an appointment online, please visit


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Stanford University Medical Center integrates research, medical education and patient care at its three institutions — Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Hospital & Clinics and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. For more information, please visit the Web site of the medical center’s Office of Communication & Public Affairs at