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Course guides

Course guides list library resources specifically chosen by a subject librarian, in cooperation with the instructor, to support your research for the course.

Course number Term Guide Instructor
PWR 1CA Winter 2015 The Rhetoric of Gaming Alfano, C.
GES 1A Fall 2012 Introduction to Geology: The Physical Science of the Earth
GES49N Fall 2012 Field Trip to Death Valley Hannah Winkler
PWR2JLB Spring 2013 Rhetoric and education reform Lee, J.
PWR 2AO Spring 2014 Rhetoric and Global Leadership O'Brien, A.
PWR 1SG Fall 2012 Body and Mind: The Rhetoric of Gesture Streit, S.
PWR 2AH Fall 2013 Ethnic Narratives and the Rhetoric of American Identity Heredia, A.
PWR 1GWT Winter 2014 Money for "Nothing" : The Rhetoric of the Silicon Valley Trump, W.
PWR 2JP Winter 2014 The Rhetoric of Art and Commerce Peterson, J.
PWR 1DH Winter 2015 The Virtue of Vice and the Vice of Virtue: The Rhetoric of Criminality Hunter, D.
Music 147a/247a Spring 2014 Listening to the local: music ethnography of the Bay Area Schultz, A.
PWR 1AT Winter 2013 A Mountain for Itself: The Rhetoric of Wilderness Todhunter, A.
PWR 2SPA Fall 2015 Other Selves: The Art & Science of Friendship Pittock, S.
PWR 2SLA Fall 2014 Information Design: The Visual Language of Graphic Communication Lee, S.
PWR 1CR Spring 2014 Writing nature: discourses in ecology, culture, and technology Ross, C.
PWR 1CS Spring 2013 Debating the Environment Shekhar, C.
PWR 1JS Spring 2015 Beyond DNA: The Omics Revolution Stonaker, J.
PWR 1VS Spring 2013 Eating-Animals: The Rhetoric of Animals, Food, and the Environment Stanescu, V.
PWR 1PH Winter 2013 He Said, She Said: The Rhetoric of Gender Politics Hanlon-Baker, P.
PWR 1CGA Spring 2013 Popular Science to Girl Talk: Writing as Adaptation and Remix Gerben, C.
PWR 1GBR Spring 2013 Spill: The Rhetoric of Confessions and Self-Revelations Richardson, R.
PWR 2EP Spring 2014 Global Protest and Civil Unrest: The Rhetoric of Resistance Polk, Emily
PWR 1RC Fall 2014 Domestication: How Humans Shape the Natural World Carpenter, R.
PWR 1ST Winter 2016 The Rhetoric of Biomedical Ethics Starkman, R.
PWR 2CA Winter 2013 Networked Rhetoric: Social Networks, Participatory Media and the Future of Writing and Research Alfano, C.
PWR 2CK Fall 2013 Speaking Out: Claiming Citizenship, Demanding Rights Kamrath, C.
PWR 2EE Winter 2016 Once upon a cause: producing picture books for local children Ellis, E.
PWR 2GAW Fall 2012 Global Exchange: Intercultural Communication Watters, A.
PWR 2SS Fall 2012 Mass Audiences and Modern Communication Schuyler, S.
PWR 2WG Winter 2016 All That Jazz: The Rhetoric of American Musical Theater Goldberg, W.
PWR 2PB Fall 2014 The Power of Political Photography Bator, P.
PWR 1SS Spring 2014 The Page and the Stage: Writing and Performance Schulyer, Susan
PWR 2SB Winter 2014 Writing 'Science': Fact, Fiction, and Everything Between Brawn, S.
ENGR 202W Autumn, Winter, Spring ENGR 202W: Technical writing Harrison, K
CHEM 130 / CHEM 132 Winter Quarter 2015 Organic Chemistry Laboratory Vollmer-Snarr, H. / Cox, C.
MATSCI-81N Fall MATSCI 81N: Bioengineering materials to heal the body Heilshorn, S.
EARTHSCI 117/EARTHSYS 117 Fall 2012 Earth Systems in Hawaii Program Guide
Sociology 200 - Seminar Fall 2013 Sociology 200 Saperstein, A.
GS 150/GEOPHYS 199 Fall 2015 GS 150/GEOPHYS 199: Senior Seminar: Issues in Earth Sciences Bird, D and Sleep, N
MLA 102 Spring 2015 War and its Narratives: An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Paulson, L.
ENGR 102M Spring 2013 Technical/Professional Writing for Mechanical Engineers McDevitt, M.
CSRE 55M: Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Seminar Fall 2012 CSRE 55M: MMUF Seminar Dr. Jose David Saldivar with Cristina Lash (TA)
ARTHIST 1 Fall 2013 Introduction to the Visual Arts Nemerov, A.
CHEMENG 25E / ENG 25E Winter 2014 CHEMENG 25E: Energy: Chemical transformations for production, storage, and use Jaramillo, T. F.
PWR 2SGA Spring 2013 Lie Detection and the Social Functions of Deception Streit, S.
PWR 2CR Winter 2016 Communicating science Ross, C.
PWR 1CK Spring 2014 Investigating the News: Journalism, Technology & the Future Kamrath, C.
PWR 1KSB Winter 2013 Health Matters: Health Innovation and Communication Savelson, K.
PWR 2KM Spring 2015 A Planet on the Edge: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Energy Moekle, K.
PWR 1GWS Winter 2013 Body politics: the rhetoric of transhumanism Shephard, A.
PWR 2GAW Winter 2016 'Don't Stand so Close to Me' : Cross-cultural Communication Watters, A.
PWR 1AH Winter 2013 The Rhetoric of American Multicultural Experience Heredia, A.
PWR 1GAA Spring 2013 Writing Rites: The Rhetoric of Ritual Atura, A.
PWR 1GIF Winter 2013 Dark Humor: A Rhetoric of Social Taboos Fernandez, I.
PWR 1GMK Winter 2013 Pure and Unadulterated: The Rhetoric of Contamination Kim, M.
PWR 1GCO Spring 2013 To Boldly Go: The Rhetoric of Travel Johnson, C.
PWR 1GJN Winter 2013 Speaking of Dreams Nathan, J.
PWR 1GTA Spring 2013 What Lies Beneath: The Rhetoric of the Underworld Tackett, J.
PWR 1MG Spring 2013 The Rhetoric of the American West Gemma, M.
PWR 1JL Winter 2014 'Saving Strangers': Rhetoric and Humanitarian Intervention Lee, J.
PWR 1SB Winter 2013 Machine Dreams: The Rhetoric of Technology Brawn, S.
PWR 1GRZ Spring 2013 Decisions, Rhetoric, and the Art of Choosing Zurowski, R.
PWR 1GTJ Spring 2013 Rhetoric of the Unruly: Iconoclasts and Their Controversies Jimenez, T.
PWR 1GMZ Winter 2013 Rhetoric of Institutional Power Zilbergerts, M.
PWR 1GCA Spring 2013 AH! Real Monsters: The Rhetoric of Monstrosity in Popular Culture Awkward-Rich, C.
PWR 2SW Fall 2013 Propaganda of World War II: Strategies of Persuasion Wyle, S.
GES 55Q Winter 2016 GES 55Q: The California Gold Rush Dennis K Bird
EARTHSCI 180 Winter 2013 EARTHSCI 180: Introduction to Earth and Environmental Science Research Design Nevle, R.
SLE Winter 2016 SLE: Renaissance and Baroque Paintings Watkins, G.
CHEM 24N Spring 2015 CHEM 24N: Nutrition and history Huestis, W.
PWR 1SW Spring 2013 Scandals, Private Lives, and Public Faces: The Rhetoric of Stanford Wyle, S.
PWR 1VK Winter 2016 Rhetorics of Trauma Hasseltine, V.
PWR 1KE Spring 2013 The Science of Sports Myers, K.
PWR 1JPA Spring 2016 The rhetoric of a liberal arts education Peterson, J.
PWR 1GLR Spring 2013 Are you Fuzzy and Techie?: The Rhetoric of Art and Science Rogers, L.
PWR 1GSO Winter 2014 Varieties of Conservative Experience Osadetz, S.
PWR 2DH Spring 2014 I Post Therefore I Am: 21st Century Identity? Hunter, Donna
PWR 1PSS Spring 2013 Rhetoric of English Peter Satyanand Samuels
PWR 2GMB Fall 2014 The Life and Death and Life of Objects Moyer, G.
PWR 2RT Spring 2013 Stepping out of the shadows: music, the bass guitar, and the rhetoric of revolution Rod Taylor
CEE 178/276 Spring 2015 CEE 178/276 Human exposure analysis Kopperud, R.
SOC 151 / 251 Spring 2013 From Cradle to Grave: How Demographic Processes Shape the Social World - Sociology 151/ 251 Saperstein, A.
EnvRes 200/EarthSys 200 Fall 2014 Sustaining Action: Research, Analysis and Writing for the Public (SAGE) Hayden, T.
FEMST 109 Spring 2013 Looking Back, Moving Forward: Raising Critical Awareness in Gender and Sports Myers, K.
SLE Spring 2013 SLE: Karl Marx Watkins, G.
EARTHSCI 100 Spring 2015 Scientific Research Preparation for Undergraduates Cina, S
SOC 180A/280A Spring 2013 Foundations of Social Research Soc 180A/280A Roy
CHEM 137 Spring 2015 CHEM 137: Special topics in organic chemistry Trost, B.
EU A+ Summer Precollege Summer 2014 Education Unlimited A+ Summer John Kephart III
SNFI Policy Summer 2014 SNFI Policy Summer 2014 SNFI
SNFI Lincoln Douglas Summer 2014 SNFI Lincoln Douglas Debate Summer 2014 Stanford National Forensic Institute
EPGY International Relations Summer 2013 EPGY International Relations Padilla, S.
PWR 1GIY Spring 2015 Jekylls and Hydes: Rhetoric of the Scientist Yamboliev, I.
PWR 1 1EC Fall 2013 From the Galleries to the Streets: The Rhetoric of Public Space Art Cirillo-McCarthy, E.
PWR 2KSB Spring 2015 Design Thinking: Bringing d.thinking to Research, Writing & Presentation Savelson, K.
PWR 1CW Fall 2013 Sporting Rhetoric: Power, Performance. Profit and Politics Wright, C.
PWR 1 GJU Winter 2014 Surface of Past Time: The Rhetoric of Nostalgia Noble, J.
PWR 1ZS Fall 2013 On Cages, Boxes & Boundaries: The Rhetoric of Limits Sifuentes, Z.
CHEMENG 170 Fall 2014 CHEMENG 170: Kinetics and reactor design Bent, S.
PWR 1CL Fall 2013 The Politics of Difference, Identity, and Harm: The Rhetoric of Hate Crimes Lewis, C.
PWR 1GGK Spring 2014 Ladies, Tramps, and Other Furry Friends: The Rhetoric of Pets Kimbrell, G.
PWR 2JLC Spring 2015 Illness Narratives: Attention, Empathy, and Storytelling Lee, J.
ESF 1/1A Fall 2013 The Active, Inquiring, Beautiful Life Beckman and Eccles
ESF 2/2A Fall 2014 The German Tradition of Bildung or How to Become a Global Citizen Starkey, Watson
ESF 6/6A Fall 2015 The Wind of Freedom Kinsey, V.
ESF 3/3A Fall 2015 How to be a Public Intellectual Kassabova, B
PWR 2RC Fall 2015 Red Pill or Blue Pill? : The Rhetoric of Drugs Carpenter, R
ITALIC 95W Winter 2016 ITALIC library resources Steichen, J.
MLA 102 Fall 2013 The Long Nineteenth Century Paulson, L.
PWR 1KMC Fall 2013 Staying Cool on a Hot Planet: Environmental Rhetoric for a Changing World Moekle, K
PWR 1EP Fall 2013 Rhetoric of Global Development and Social Change Emily Polk
PWR 1MS Spring 2015 Seeing Nature: The Power of Environmental Visual Rhetoric Stroud, M.
ESF 4/4A Fall 2013 Learning to Change Driscoll and Shirazi
PWR 2ZS Spring 2014 Designing Memorials: Building Rhetoric into Commemoration Sifuentes, Z.
PWR1 GVG Winter 2014 The Way of the Dodo: Rhetoric of Extinction Googasian, Victoria
PWR 1GCD Spring 2014 Doomsdays: The Rhetoric of Apocalypse Davis, C.
PWR 1GAD Winter 2014 Display Cases and Databases: The Rhetoric of Collection Droge, Abigail
PWR 1GTL Winter 2014 Love at First Sight and Forever: The Rhetoric of Romance Llewellyn, Tanya
SIMILE 95 Winter 2014 Science In the Making an Integrated Learning Environment Doyno, Mary
PWR 2DHA Winter 2014 P-Sets, Essays and Midterms: Making Time for Social Change in a Busy World Hunter, Donna
PWR 1GAU Spring 2014 Mind vs. Brain: The Rhetoric of Consciousness Ueda, A.
PWR 1GLB Spring 2014 In Poor Taste: The Rhetoric of Catastrophe Comedy Barnhart, L.
PWR 1GFL Spring 2014 From Con Artists to Catfish: The Rhetoric of Trickery Molyneux, F.
PWR 2EC Fall 2015 Like this Class: The Rhetoric of Public Relations Cirillo-McCarthy, E.
PWR 2CL Spring 2015 Invisible Crimes, Masked Vices: The Rhetoric of Violence Lewis, C.
PWR 1JM Winter 2014 The rhetoric of the startup McEntire, J.
PWR 1GAK Spring 2014 No Filter: The Rhetoric of Young Adulthood Ammah-Tagoe, A.
PWR 1GEM Spring 2014 The Rhetoric of Foodie Culture Eidem, L.
PWR 1GDS Spring 2014 From Trash Talk to Toxic Discourse: Rhetorics of Waste Stentiford, D.
PWR 1GRK Spring 2014 Plugged In: The Rhetoric of Networks Kirkwood, R.
PWR 1GAL Spring 2014 The Rhetoric of Disgust Law, A.
PWR 1GGZ Winter 2014 The Rhetoric of Race in American Cinema Garza, A.
PWR1 GNV Winter 2014 Rhetoric of bioethics and biopolitics Varsava ,N
PWR 2CAB Winter 2014 Rhetoric of Gender and Technology Alfano
CLASSGEN 61N Winter Classical California Grant Parker
Think 22 Winter 2014 Think 22: Who Owns the Past? Archaeology, Heritage and Global Conflicts Carter, Tara and Hodder, Ian
FILMSTUD 4 Winter 2014 Introduction to Film Studies Levi, P.
PWR 1 EE Spring 2015 Prowling Toward Certainty: Exploration as Argument Ellis, E.
PWR 1WG Spring 2015 Reading Minds: The Rhetoric of Consciousness Goldberg, W.
PWR 2JS Fall 2014 Eureka!: The Rhetoric of the Scientist Jennifer Stonaker
THINK25 Spring 2014 Evolution on Earth Scott, M.
CHEMENG 12SC Summer 2014 An Exploration of Art Materials: The Intersection of Art and Science Frank, C.
PWR 1BR Spring 2014 Healthy or Cutthroat: The Rhetoric of Competition Richardson, B.
PWR 2MS Spring 2014 Musical Parodies, Political Satire, & Late-Night Comedy: The Rhetoric of Humor Stroud, M.
PWR 1GMH Spring 2014 Transformative Turns: The Rhetoric of Revolution Hernandez, M.
COMM 143, 243 Spring 2014 Communication 143/243 Communication Policy and Regulation James T. Hamilton, Anita Varma (TA)
Su14-PWR-6-01 Summer 2014 Veterans Matter Cirillo-McCarthy, Erica
Jr Statesmen Summer 2014 Jr Statesmen JSA Summer School
Legal Studies Summer 2015 Legal Rhetoric Cosovano, L.
HIST 215: Saints and Sinners: Women and Religion in the Medieval World Introduction to Medieval Studies Resources
ARTHIST 1A Winter 2016 Introduction to the Visual Arts: Prehistoric to Medieval Pentcheva, B.
PWR 1HJ Fall 2014 Rhetoric of Museums Janiszewska, H.
PWR 1EL Fall 2014 Propaganda: The Dark Side of Rhetoric Plaut, E.
PWR 1RL Spring 2015 Rhetoric of Happiness Lee, R.
PWR 1LP Winter 2015 Crafting Credibility: Rhetoric and Authority Luke Parker
PWR 1JD Winter 2016 Frog Princes and Ugly Ducklings: The Rhetoric of Self-Transformation Davie-Kessler, J.
Bing Honors College English Fall 2015 Bing Honors College English Alice Staveley
PWR 2ST Fall 2014 Science, Democracy and Social Media Starkman, R.
PWR 1TS Fall 2014 White Mice and White Coats: The Rhetoric of Biomedical Science Stan, T.
PWR 1SI Winter 2016 Super-Storms, Polar Bears, and Droughts: The Rhetoric of Climate Change Ives, Sarah
Dance 23/ TAPS 159M Fall 2014 Movement and meaning: dance studies in global comparative context Joanna Dee Das
PWR 1KC Fall 2014 PWR 1KC The Rhetoric of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture Karli Cerankowski
PWR 1EV Autumn 2014 The Rhetoric of Globalization Vanden Bussche, Eric
PWR 2EPA Spring 2015 From Slacktivism to Hacktivism: The Rhetoric of Technology and Social Change Polk, E.
PWR 1LH Winter 2015 Ask What You Can Do: The Rhetoric of Public Leadership Herman, L.
PWR 2SBA Winter 2015 Building a Better Human: Arguing Enhancement/Enhancing Arguments Brawn, S.
PWR 2SSB Winter 2016 Superfans and Scholars: Writing Fan Culture Schuyler-Olmsted, S.
PWR 1LM Fall 2015 Two Truths and a Lie: The Rhetoric of Authenticity Lindsey Mantoan
PWR 1GMA Spring 2016 Dancing about Architecture: Or Finding Words for the Wordless Moyer, Gabrielle
Dance 24/ TAPS 152 Winter 2015 Introduction to dance in the African diaspora Joanna Dee Das
TAPS 1 Winter 2015 Introduction to theater and performance studies Diana Looser
PWR 1SS Spring 2015 The page and the stage: writing and performance Susan Schuyler-Olmsted
PWR 1 D Summer 2015 Writing Well: An Introduction to College Writing Carpenter, R.
PWR 1IY Winter 2016 Rhetorics of Travel and Tourism Yamboliev, I.
PWR1AB Winter 2016 Podcasts to Broadcasts: The Rhetoric of Radio Angela Becerra Vidergar
PWR 1NA Winter 2016 Rhetoric of Childhood Sukhonos, N
PWR 2JD Fall 2015 Straight A's and Sports Cars: The Rhetoric of Success Davie-Kessler, J
PWR 2RL Fall 2015 Rhetoric of the Natural and Beyond Lee, R.
PWR 2DHA Fall 2015 Action Research: Making Time for Social Change Hunter, D.
PWR 1TS Fall 2015 Rhetoric of the Experiment Stan, T.
PWR 1MO Fall 2015 Imagining Technology: The Rhetoric of Humans and Machines Formato, M.
PWR 1JJ Winter 2016 The rhetoric of language and thought Jennifer Johnson
PWR 2JPA Winter 2016 How we got schooled: the rhetoric of literacy and education Peterson, J.
PWR 1LM Winter 2016 From page to stage: the rhetoric of American drama Lindsey Mantoan