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Art & Architecture Library

Holdings in art, architecture, and design include twentieth century ephemera, architectural treatises, and artists’ books. 

Topic guides

Guide Created by Last Updated Subject tag
Architectural construction and design Rachael M Davis 2015-11-17 Architecture, Civil engineering

Course guides

Course number Term Guide Instructor
ARTHIST 1 Fall 2013 Introduction to the Visual Arts Nemerov, A.
PWR 1 1EC Fall 2013 From the Galleries to the Streets: The Rhetoric of Public Space Art Cirillo-McCarthy, E.
PWR 2KSB Spring 2015 Design Thinking: Bringing d.thinking to Research, Writing & Presentation Savelson, K.
PWR 2ZS Spring 2014 Designing Memorials: Building Rhetoric into Commemoration Sifuentes, Z.
Think 22 Winter 2014 Think 22: Who Owns the Past? Archaeology, Heritage and Global Conflicts Carter, Tara and Hodder, Ian

Notable collections

R. Buckminster Fuller

Fuller's versatile career as an architect, lecturer, mathematician, writer, and social critic is documented extensively.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Correspondence, blueprints, drawings, photographs, and other records relating to the planning, design and construction of the campus home of Professor and Mrs. Paul R. Hanna designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Subject Librarians

Senior Librarian, Art & Architecture Library
(650) 725-1038, (650) 561-2392
Reference Librarian/VRC Cataloger
(650) 725-9274
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