CourseWork is Stanford university's primary learning management system. Instructors use CourseWork to assist with course administration, such as posting materials, sending announcements, conducting online exams and quizzes, posting schedules, and more. Students access CourseWork to download their courses' readings, lecture videos, lecture slides, syllabuses, and more.
Digital Syllabuses
Many courses use a digital syllabus, usually in a PDF or Word document format. Not only does it help conserve paper, it is also more portable and searchable by digital devices. Educational Technology encourages courses to use a digital syllabus and has a few recommendations to help you take advantage of digital syllabuses.
MedEd Portal
MedEdPORTAL is a free online peer-reviewed educational content publication service provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). You can use MedEdPortal to find tutorials, virtual patients, simulation cases, lab guides, videos, podcasts, assessment tools, and other resources.
Mobile Websites
With the growing popularty and ubiquity of mobile devices, EdTech has adopted and recommends a mobile-friendly approach to any web development. For a quick and relatively easy method of building mobile-specific web pages, EdTech recommends starting with the iUi CSS framework, although EdTech has also used and recommends for advanced users other frameworks, such as jQuery Mobile or Bootstrap.
Online Exams
Educational Technology supports School of Medicine courses interested in conducting their final exams online. Pending scheduling availability, Educational Technology will work with your course to consult on best practices for setting up your exam in CourseWork, as well as coordinating learning spaces and resources for your exam.
QR Codes and Barcodes
QR Codes, also known as "Quick Response" codes, are an advanced form of a barcode that can store over 1800 characters of text information. With the advent of smartphones and QR code reader mobile applications, QR codes have grown in popularity for their convenience in transferring information to a cell phone.