Stanford Accelerated Recovery Trial (START)

About the Study

The Stanford Accelerated Recovery Trial (START) is a large research study funded by the National Institutes of Health of patients undergoing surgery and their recovery.  It will help decide if a medication known to reduct post-operative pain (gabapentin) can actually help patients recover more completely and faster.  This is the first study to test if this medication can actually reduce the time patients need for pain to disappear, reduce the time until patients stop taking medications, and reduce the time until patients recover completely following surgery.  About 560 patients undergoing a variety of surgeries will participate.

What will I be asked to do?

If you agree to join us you will be asked to:

  • Answer general questions about your health, well-being, and use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
  • Take the study medication (Gabapentin) or inactive pills (placebos) starting on the day of your surgery and continuing for the first 3 days after surgery. A group of patients not taking study medication will also be followed through their recovery.
  • Answer a short series of questions each day after surgery until you have recovered

Who can participate?

  • Age 18-75
  • Undergoing surgery with one of our participating surgeons

Why is this study important?

Few studies have focused on reducing the time people suffer following surgery.  Being part of this important project will help you learn more about your own health and risks to your recovery.  You will also help doctors develop better ways to treat future patients experiencing the health problems you are experiencing now.  This study may help us learn how to speed the recovery of patients following surgery, reduce dependence on pain medications, and even prevent chronic pain following surgery.

How will I benefit?

If you join the study your health and recovery will be monitored by our study staff. You may also receive study medication. You will not have to pay for the study medication and visits from study doctors and staff.  You will also have the personal satisfaction of knowing that results from the START may help improve your health and the health of people with medical problems like yours for generations to come.

How do I learn more?

Please call 650.721.6931 or email

For more information about the study, download the study timeline here.

Who is on the research team?

Principal Investigator: Dr. Ian Carroll

Co-Investigator: Dr. Sean Mackey

Research Coordinators: Debra Clay, RN

Research Assistants: Gabi Ruchelli, Molly McKinney, Jale Yakupoglu, Heidi Messiha, Yasamin Sharifzadeh, Brett Salazar, Kiernan Haggarty, Vicki Tang, Alesha Billmeyer, Cheylene Tanimoto

For general information about participant rights, contact 1-866-680-2906