Comprehensive Publication List
Malhotra A, Mackey S, Outcomes in Pain Medicine: A Review, Pain and Therapy, (2012, accepted)
Kong Jiang-Ti, Johnson K, Balise R, Mackey S, Test-Retest Reliability of Thermal Temporal Summation Using an Individualized Protocol, Journal of Pain (2012, accepted)
Younger J, McCue R, Noor Noorulain, Mackey S, Low-dose naltrexone for the treatment of fibromyalgia: A small, randomized trial on daily pain.Arthritis and Rheumatism (2012, accepted).
Ung H, Brown J, Johnson K, Younger J, Hush J, Mackey S, Multivariate Classification of Structural MRI Data Detects Chronic Low Back Pain, Cerebral Cortex, 2012 (in Press).
Younger J, Gandhi V, Mackey S, Development of the Stanford Expectations of Treatment Scale (SETS): A tool for measuring patient outcome expectancy in clinical trials. Clin Trials, 2012, Epub ahead of print.
Carroll I, Barelka P, Wang C, Wang B, Gillespie M, McCue R, Younger J, Trafton J, Humphreys K, Goodman S, Dirbas F, Whyte R, Donington J, Cannon W, Mackey S, A pilot cohort study of the determinants of longitudinal opioid use after surgery. Anesth Analg, 2012, 115(3); 694-702. PMC pending
Chapin H, Bagarinao E, Mackey S, Real-time fMRI applied to pain management, Neurosci Lett, 2012, 520(2); 174-81. PMC pending
Mackey S, Carroll I, Birol E, Murphy T, Whalen E, Dumenci L, Sensory Pain Qualities in Neuropathic Pain. Journal of Pain, 2012, 13(1); 58-63. PMC pending
Brown, JE, Chatterjee N, Younger J, Mackey S, Towards a physiology-based measure of pain: patterns of human brain activity distinguish painful from non-painful thermal stimulation. PLoS One, 2011, 6(9); e24124. PMC3172232
Lawrence J, Hoeft F, Sheau K, Mackey S, Strategy-dependent Dissociation of the Neural Correlates Involved In Pain Modulation. Anesthesiology, 2011, 115(4); 844-51. PMC pending
Younger J, Chu L, D’Arcy N, Trott K, Jastrzab L, Mackey S, Prescription opioid analgesics rapidly change the human brain. Pain, 2011, 152(8); 1803-10. PMC pending
Carroll IR, Fischbein N, Barad M, Mackey S, Human Response to Unintended Intrathecal Injection of Botulinum Toxin. Pain Medicine, 2011, 12(7); 1094-7. PMC pending
Sam WJ, Mackey S, Lotsch J, Drover D, Morphine and its metabolites after patient-controlled analgesia, considerations for respiratory depression.Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2011, 23:2; 102-6. PMC pending
Harden R, Bruehl S, Perez S, Birklein F, Marinus J, Maihofner C, Lubenow T, Buvanendran A, Mackey S, Graciosa J, Mogilevski M, Ramsden C, Schlereth T, Chont M, Vatine J, Development of a Severity Score for CRPS. Pain, 2010, 151:3; 870-6. PMC pending
Xiao L, Mackey S, Hui H, Xon D, Zhang Q, Zhang D, Subcutaneous injection of Botulinum Toxin A is beneficial in postherpetic neuralgia. Pain Medicine, 2010, 11; 1827-1833. PMC pending
Younger J, Aron A, Parke S, Chatterjee N, Mackey S, Viewing Pictures of a Romantic Partner Reduces Experimental Pain: Involvement of Neural Reward Systems. PLoS One, 2010, 5:10; e13309. PMC2954158
Harden R, Bruehl S, Perez R, Birklein F, Marinus J, Maihofner C, Lubenow T, Buvanendran A, Mackey S, Graciosa J, Mogilevski M, Ramsden C, Chont M, Vatine J, Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria (the “Budapest Criteria”) for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain, 2010, 150; 268-74. PMC2914601
Younger J, Shen Y, Goddard G, Mackey S, Chronic myofascial temporomandibular pain is associated with gray matter abnormalities in the cerebral cortex, limbic system, and brainstem. Pain, 2010, 149:2; 222-8. PMC2860657
Dwyer B, Krieg S, Balise R, Carroll IR, Chueh J, Nayak N, Druzin M. Variable expression of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 in patients at high risk for preeclampsia. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2010. 23(7): p. 705-11. PMC pending.
Parris D, Fischbein N, Mackey S, Carroll I, A Novel CT-Guided Transpsoas Approach to Diagnostic Genitofemoral Nerve Block and Ablation. Pain Medicine, 2010, 11:5; 785-9. PMC2913614
Carroll I, Younger J, Mackey S, Pain quality predicts lidocaine analgesia among patients with suspected neuropathic pain. Pain Medicine, 2010, 11:4; 617-21. PMC2913605
Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Audette J, Baron R, Gourlay
G, Haanpää ML, Kent J, Krane E,LeBel A, Levy R, Mackey S, Mayer J, Miaskowski C, Raja S, Rice A, Schmader K, Stacey B, Stanos S, Treede RD, Turk DS, Walco G, Wells CD, Recommendations for the Pharmacological Management of Neuropathic Pain: An Overview and Literature Update. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2010, 85:3S; S3-S14. PMC2844007
Turk DC, Audette J, Levy RM, Mackey S, Stanos S, Assessment and Treatment of Psychosocial Comorbidies in Patients with Neuropathic Pain. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2010, 85:3S; S42-S50. PMC2844010
Fredericks CA, Drabant EM, Edge EM, Tillie JM, Hallmeyer J,Ramel V, Kuo J, Mackey S, Gross J, Dhabhar FS, Healthy young women with serotonin transporter SS polymorphism show a pro-inflammatory bias under resting and stress conditions. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2010, 24:3; 348-9. PMC2826575
Shen Y, Younger J, Goddard G, Mackey S, Randomized Clinical Trial of Acupuncture for Myofascial Pain of the Jaw. Journal of Orofacial Pain, 2009, 23:4; 353-9. PMC2894813
Wang C, Gowda A, Barad M, Mackey S, Carroll I, Serratus muscle stimulation effectively treats nostalgia paresthetica caused by long thoracic nerve dysfunction: a case series. Journal of Brachial Plexus And Peripheral Nerve Injury, 2009, 4:17. PMC2758879
Younger, J and Mackey S, Fibromyalgia Symptoms Are Reduced by Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Pilot Study. Pain Medicine, 2009, 10:4; 663-672. PMC2891387
Younger J, McCue R, Mackey S, Pain outcomes: A brief review of instruments and techniques. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 2009, 13:1; 39-43. PMC2891384
Coleman S, and Mackey S, Spinal cord stimulation compared with medical management for failed back surgery syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 2009, 13:1; 1-2. PMC2891371
Carroll I, Clark D, Mackey S, Sympathetic Block with Botulinum Toxin to Treat Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Annals of Neurology, 2009, 65; 348-51. PMC2763598
Neugebauer V, Galhardo V, Maione S, Mackey S, Forebrain pain mechanisms. Brain Research Reviews, 2009, 60; 226-242. PMC2700838
Wang CK, Myunghae Hah J, Carroll I. Factors contributing to pain chronicity. Curr Pain Headache Rep,2009, 13; 7-11. PMC2743454
Younger, J, Barelka P, Carroll I, Kaplan K, Chu L, Prasad R, Gaeta R, Mackey S, Reduced cold pain tolerance in chronic pain patients following opioid detoxification. Pain Medicine, 2008. 9(8): p. 1158-63. PMC2751584
Lawrence J, Mackey S, Role of neuroimaging in analgesic drug development. Drugs in R&D, 2008, 9:5; 323-34. PMC2613790
Godfrey J and Mackey S, Toward optimal health: a discussion on sex, gender, and pain. Journal of Women’s Health, July-August 2008, 17:6; 917-20.
Ochsner K, Zaki J, Hanelin J, Ludlow D, Knierim K, Ramachandran T, Glover G, Mackey S. Your pain or mine? Common and distinct neural systems supporting the perception of pain in self and other. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2008, 3:2; 144-60. PMC2555461
Carroll I, Kaplan K, Mackey S, Mexiletine Therapy for Chronic Pain: Survival Analysis Identifies Factors Predicting Clinical Success. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, January 2008, Vol 35:3; 321-6. PMC2925416
Davis, M., Zautra, A., Younger, J., Motivala, S., Attrep J., Irwin, M. Chronic stress and regulation of cellular markers of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis: Implications for fatigue. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2008, 22;24-32.
Younger, J., Finan, P., Zautra, A., Reich, J., Davis, M. Personal mastery predicts pain, stress, fatigue, and blood pressure in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Psychology and Health, 2008, 23;515-535.
Dwyer BK, Gorman M, Carroll IR, Druzin M. Urinalysis vs urine protein-creatinine ratio to predict significant proteinuria in pregnancy. J Perinatol2008, 28; 461-7. PMC2743480
Dwyer BK, Belogolovkin V, Tran L, Rao A, Carroll I, Barth R, Chitkara U. Prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta: sonography or magnetic resonance imaging? J Ultrasound Med 2008, 27; 1275-81. PMC2743470
Chou LB, Wagner D, Witten DM, Martinez-Diaz GJ, Brook NS, Toussaint M, Carroll IR. Postoperative pain following foot and ankle surgery: a prospective study. Foot Ankle Int2008, 29; 1063-8. PMC2743476
Carroll I, Gaeta R, Mackey S, Multivariate Analysis of Chronic Pain Patients Undergoing Lidocaine Infusions: Increasing Pain Severity and Advancing Age Predict Likelihood of Clinically Meaningful Analgesia. Clinical Journal of Pain, October 2007, 23:8; 702-6. PMC2919575
Zaki, J, Ochsner K, Hanelin J, Wager T, Mackey S, Different circuits for different pain: patterns of functional connectivity reveal distinct networks for processing pain in self and others. Soc Neurosci, 2007. 2(3-4): p. 276-91. PMC2913618
Carroll I, Mackey S, Gaeta R, The role of adrenergic receptors and pain: The good, the bad, and the unknown. Seminars in Anesthesia and Perioperative Pain, March 2007, 26:1; 17-21.
Kornelsen J, Mackey S, Potential Clinical Applications for Spinal Functional MRI. Current Pain and Headache Reports, June 2007, 11:3; 165-70. PMC2914611
Younger J, Mackey S, Neuroimaging the Central Nervous Components of Neuropathic Pain. US Neurological Disease, Issue II, January 2007 (epub ahead of print)
Mitra R, Zeighami A, Mackey S, Pulsed radiofrequency for the treatment of chronic ilioinguinal neuropathy. Hernia, February 2007, 11:4; 369-71. PMC2914602
Mackey S, Feinberg S, Pharmacologic Therapies for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, February 2007, 11:1; 38-43. PMC2914598
Younger, J., Rossetti, G.C., Borckardt, J.J., Smith, A.R., Tasso, A.F., & Nash, M.R. Hypnotizability and somatic complaints: A gender-specific phenomenon. International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2007, 55: 1;1-13
Carroll I. Intravenous lidocaine for neuropathic pain: diagnostic utility and therapeutic efficacy. Curr Pain Headache Rep2007, 11;20-24.
Ochsner K, Ludlow D, Knierim K, Hanelin J, Ramachandran T, Glover G, Mackey S, Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Pain-Related Fear and Anxiety. Pain, January 2006, 120:69-77. PMC2914607
Lawler-Row, K. A., Younger, J., Piferi, R. L., & Jones, W. H. The role of adult attachment style in forgiveness following an interpersonal offense. Journal of Counseling and Development, 2006, 84;493-502.
Younger, J., Lawler-Row, K. A., Moe, K. A., Kratz, A., & Keenum, A. Effects of naltrexone on repressive coping and disclosure of emotional material: A test of the opioid-peptide theory of repression and hypertension. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2006, 68:5;734-741.
Carroll I. Celiac plexus block for visceral pain. Curr Pain Headache Rep2006,10;20-25.
deCharms C, Maeda F, Glover G, Ludlow D, Pauly J, Soneji D, Gabrieli J, Mackey S, Control Over Brain Activation and Pain Learned by Using Real-Time Functional MRI. PNAS, December 2005, 102:51; 18626-31. PMC1311906
Shinaman RC, Mackey S, Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 2005, 9, 24-29
Younger, J., Winkel, J., Kemmerer, D. & Nash, M. The Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility: Accuracy of self-report and the memory for items. International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2005, 53;306-320.
Younger, J., Winkel, J., Kemmerer, D. & Nash, M. The Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility: Accuracy of self-report and the memory for items. International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2005, 53;306-320.
Winkel, J. D., Younger, J., Tomcik, N, Borckardt, J. J., & Nash, R. Anatomy of a hypnotic response: Self-report estimates, actual behavior, and physiological response to the hypnotic suggestion for arm rigidity. International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2005, 54; 186-205.
Lawler, K. A., Younger, J., Piferi, R. L., Jobe, R. L., Edmondson, K., & Jones, W. H. The unique effects of forgiveness on health: An exploration of pathways. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2005, 28;157-167.
Ochsner K., Knierim K., Ludlow D., Hanelin J., Ramachandran T., Glover G., Mackey S. Reflecting Upon Feelings: An fMRI Study of Neural Systems Supporting the Attribution of Emotion to Self and Other. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, December 2004, 16:10; 1746-1772
Mackey S, Maeda F, Functional Imaging and the Neural Systems of Chronic Pain. Neurosurgery North American Clinics of North America, July 2004, Vol. 15, No. 3; 269-288
Mackey S, Mechanisms of Inflammatory Pain: Therapeutic Implications. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, June 2004, Vol. 10, Issue 3S: S5-11
Kreusi, M. E., Borckardt, J. J., Younger, J., Shaw, D., & Nash, M. R. Perceived links between physical problems and stress may be clouded by dissociative processes. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 2004, 5, 4; 121-127.
Borckardt, J.J., Younger, J., Winkel, J., Nash, M.R., and Shaw, D. The use of the computer-assisted cognitive imagery system in the management of pain. Pain Research and Management, 2004, 9;157-162.
Younger, J., Piferi, R., Jobe, R. & Lawler, K. Dimensions of forgiveness: The views of laypersons. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2004, 21; 837-855.
Carroll IR, Angst MS, Clark JD. Management of perioperative pain in patients chronically consuming opioids. Reg Anesth Pain Med,2004, 29; 576-591.
Lawler, K. A., Younger, J., Piferi, R. L., Billington, E., Jobe, R. L. Edmondson, K. A., & Jones W. H. A change of heart: Cardiovascular correlates of forgiveness in response to interpersonal conflict. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2003, 26:5;373-393.
Sze, D., Mackey, S. MR-Guidance of Sympathetic Nerve Blockade: Measurement of Vasomotor Response – Initial Experience in Seven Patients.Radiology2002 223: 574-580
Lawler, K., & Younger, J. Theobiology: An analysis of spirituality, cardiovascular responses, stress, mood, and physical health. Journal of Religion and Health, 2002, 41;347-62.
Leong, M., Mackey, S. Delayed Subdural Anesthesia After Stellate Ganglion Block. Anesthesiology, February 2001, 94(2); 358-59
Piferi, R., Kline, K., Younger, J., & Lawler, K.. An alternative approach for achieving cardiovascular baseline: Viewing an aquatic video. International Journal of Psychophysiology2000,37; 207-217.
Carroll IR, Wang J, Howcroft TK, Singer DS. HIV Tat represses transcription of the beta 2-microglobulin promoter. Mol Immunol 1998, 35; 1171-1178
Mackey, S., Brodsky, JB., Selection and Placement of the Double-Lumen Tube in the Asian Patient. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals1998, Vol. 6, No. 3; 199-202.
Brodsky, J.B., Mackey, S., Cannon, W.B. Selecting the Correct Size Left Double-Lumen Tube. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 1997 Dec;11(7):924-5
Brodsky, JB, Mackey, S., Isolation Techniques – Advances in Thoracic Anesthesia and Postoperative Care. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, September 1997, 1:3;225-35
Angst, M.S., Mackey, S., Zupfer, G., Taturu, C., Brock-Utne, J.G., Reduction of Propofol Injection Pain with a Double Lumen IV-Set. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, September 1997, 9:462-66
Macario, A., Mackey, S., Terris, D., Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis After Radical Cystectomy in a Patient with a History of Bulbar Polio. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1997 Nov;85(5):1171-2
Mackey S, Thornton L, He DS, Marcus FI, Lampe LF, Simultaneous Multipolar Radiofrequency Ablation in the Monopolar Mode Increases Lesion Size.Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, July 1996;19:1042-1048.
Simmons, W.N., Mackey, S., He, D.S., Marcus, F.I., Comparison of Gold Versus Platinum Electrodes on Myocardial Lesion Size Using Radiofrequency Energy. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, April 1996; 19: 398-402.