Undergraduate Housing Newsletter April 2015

Students Walking on Path Outside

Housing Draw Timeline at a Glance

Apply for Housing for Autumn, Winter, or Spring Quarters 2015-16
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 until Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 6pm
(Apply in Axess as a group or as an individual.  Once in Axess, select "Housing and Dining" from the Student drop-down menu)

Visit TheDraw.stanford.edu for information about The Draw.

Apply for Housing for Summer, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 until Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 6 pm
(Apply in Axess as a group or as an individual.  NEW:  Once in Axess, select "Housing and Dining" from the Student drop-down menu)

Request a Disability/Medical Accommodation for Housing 2015-16
Apply through the Office of Accessible Education at http://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/oae/studentsAND apply for housing in Axess as an individual or a group from Wednesday, April 8, 2015 untilFriday, April 17, 2015

Apply for Graduate Housing in 2015-16
(If you will need "couple without children" or "student with children" housing)
Wednesday, April 8, 2014 until Thursday, May 7 at 6pm
(Apply in Axess for renewal or new assignment in Graduate Housing.  Once in Axess, select "Housing and Dining" from the Student drop-down menu )

Exterior of a Theme House

Applying to Live in a Theme House

Learn more about living in a Theme House. Deadline for pre-assignment applications is 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 9, 2015.

For theme house and application information, visit:  Residential Education's website.


Don't Forget About Your Room Phone

Did you know that your campus room comes with landline phone service? Simply plug in your phone in one of the white-colored ports, just above your room's data jack (orange/red colored).

In case of campus emergencies, such as an earthquake, this landline service could be essential if cell service were compromised. Having your phone hooked up will also allow guests to contact you from the DoorKing phones located at building entries.

If you don't have a phone, please visit your local Housing Front Desk for a replacement.

For more information on room phone service please visit the Stanford University IT page.

Cartoon Stanford Tree

Intern with R&DE Student Housing Sustainability Office During the 2015-2016 Academic Year

Did you know over 50 students have been hired by R&DE Student Housing over the last three years to reduce waste and conserve electricity and water? We are now accepting applications for interns for next academic year to help us identify opportunities and implement programs in Student Housing to make our infrastructure more sustainable and to encourage sustainable behaviors.

Learn about what is available and apply here.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Student Residences Are Increasing Their Waste Diversion

Every quarter more and more residences are receiving increased capacity to compost and recycle. In Winter Quarter, Crothers and Crothers Memorial residents received compost bins for paper towels in their bathrooms and for food in their kitchenettes, and Kappa Sigma received a new in-room recycling system and common area recycling and compost stations.

See more on the Kappa Sigma roll out here.

Help Us Meet Our Goal!

Join R&DE Student Housing in Responding to California's Drought

Did you know that we are upgrading over 20,000 pieces of irrigation equipment across R&DE Student Housing that will reduce our water consumption outdoors by 46% and 33 million gallons of water? We need your help inside our residences.

  • Redue Your Shower Time - Aim for a 5 minute shower
  • Wash Full Loads of Laundry - We use 1 million gallons of water a month just for washing clothes
  • Turn off the Tap and Use the Trickle - Turn off the faucet while you shave or brush your teeth, or while scrubbing dishes, and you can save up to 5 gallons a day
  • Report Water Leaks - Report dripping faucets, shower heads and sprinkler heads to fixit.stanford.edu

We are here to help! Our goal in R&DE Student Housing is to make your Stanford home a comfortable, clean and safe environment. Let us know how we can help you today.