
There are tens of thousands of donor-funded development projects worldwide, each governed by countless demands, guidelines and procedures designed to protect the projects and ensure that aid gets to the poor. Experience shows that capacity in developing countries can be improved and strengthened quickly when donors better coordinate their activities and harmonize their procedures.

As such, the World Bank works with other international institutions and donors, civil society and professional and academic associations to improve the coordination of aid policies and practices in countries, at the regional level and at the global level.

Partnerships at Work

The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000 solidified an historic global partnership to focus on reaching seven specific targets to reduce poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. The eighth goal, Develop a Global Partnership for Development by 2015, identifies the means to achieve the other seven.

Here are some of the global partnerships in which the World Bank participates:


Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP)

Successfully halted transmission of river blindness in 11 countries with a collective population of 35 million.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)

Seeks to protect public health worldwide through the widespread use of vaccines.

Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Created and promoted crop improvements in developing countries over the last 30 years through a network of research centers.

The Carbon Fund

Works to develop viable, flexible market mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Provides grants to developing countries to fund projects that benefit the global environment and promote sustainable livelihoods in local communities.

Roll Back Malaria

Roll Back Malaria Coordinates the international fight against malaria, which kills more than 1 million people a year, most of them children in Africa.

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Expands access to microfinance by the poor in developing countries through a consortium of 28 public and private development agencies.

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

Advocates for global action on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and works with civil society, the business community and the private sector.

Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative (FIRST)

Provides flexible, practical assistance to developing countries to strengthen their financial systems and adopt international financial standards.

Education for All

Focuses attention on education and strives to ensure an education for every citizen in every society.

Global Water Partnership (GWP)

Supports countries in the sustainable management of their water resources.


Works at the intersection of innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship to create opportunities for inclusive growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

Global Development Learning Network (GDLN)

Collaborates in the design of customized learning solutions for individuals and organizations working in development.

Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF)

Mobilizes, coordinates and allocates contributions from bilateral and other donors to finance high-priority projects, programs and budget support to help finance post-earthquake reconstruction

Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA)

Provides regional support to governments in Africa in strengthening their health systems.

Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR)

Works with developing countries and financial centers to prevent the laundering of the proceeds of corruption and to facilitate more systematic and timely return of stolen assets.

Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)

Works directly with client governments at the local and national level to support poor people in obtaining affordable, safe and sustainable access to water and sanitation services.

Improve delivery

Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA)

Funds, designs, demonstrates, and documents output-based aid (OBA) approaches to improve delivery of basic infrastructure and social services to the poor in developing countries.

The World Bank works with the following international institutions to improve the coordination of aid policies and practices in countries, at the regional level and at the global level:

Multilateral Development Banks

Multilateral Development Banks are institutions that provide financial support and professional advice for economic and social development activities in developing countries. The term Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) typically refers to the World Bank Group and these four Regional Development Banks:

These banks are characterized by a broad membership, including both borrowing developing countries and developed donor countries, and not limited to member countries from the region of a regional development bank. Each bank has its own independent legal and operational status, but with a similar mandate and a considerable number of joint owners, the MDBs maintain a high level of cooperation.

Multilateral Financial Institutions

Several other banks and funds that lend to developing countries are also identified as multilateral development institutions, and are often grouped together as other Multilateral Financial Institutions (MFIs). They differ from the MDBs in that they have a narrower ownership/membership structure and they focus on special sectors or activities. Among these are:

Sub-Regional Banks

A number of Sub-Regional Banks, established for development purposes, are also classified as multilateral banks, as they are owned by a group of countries (typically borrowing members and not donors). Among these are banks such as Corporacion Andina de FomentoCaribbean Development BankCentral American Bank for Economic IntegrationEast African Development Bank and West African Development Bank.

Aid Coordination Groups

The World Bank Group works in partnership with the development agencies of individual countries to better coordinate aid and to more effectively achieve development goals. Work is coordinated by various committees and consultations that take place throughout the year. See theComprehensive Development Framework for more information on the Bank's work with aid coordination groups, some of which are listed here:

Over the years, the World Bank has collaborated with the United Nations in nearly every region and sector, deepening this engagement since the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the international community.


This strategic relationship liaises through the Bank's offices in New York and Geneva, in a proactive and forward-looking manner, coordinating positions as necessary with a Bank-wide network of managers and staff engaged in UN matters.

The World Bank office in New York focuses on three different levels:

This substantive diplomatic dialogue assures and promotes the strengthening and cooperation on development issues of mutual concern, including key thematic areas: fragile states, climate change and human development issues.

The New York office also represents Bank management in key UN meetings and forges strategic alliances while providing intelligence to the Bank’s staff; assists with the interaction between senior Bank managers and high-level UN officials, and facilitates participation in UN events, conferences, roundtables and summits.

Our work is to ensure the Bank’s position as a key advocate for development in the UN setting, the accuracy of its views included in the UN agenda, and also the correct understanding of the UN policies and operations and their incorporation, when appropriate, into the work of the Bank in support of development.

For more information about the World Bank's office in Geneva please visit the website.