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Alumni Profiles

Martin Bernal: City Manager

Of all the levels of government, municipal government touches everyone on a daily basis, through trail and street maintenance, water and waste water service, police and fire services, parks, libraries, and more. Being able to help elected officials make and implement decisions is the one of the most satisfying aspects of city management.

Tiffany Griego: Director of Asset Management, Stanford Research Park

This is the greatest job! Working for Stanford managing its vast 8,800 acres of land holdings provides a unique opportunity to utilize my real estate asset management and construction project management experiences, financial and analytical skills, Urban Studies degree and MBA from Stanford, and my passion for developments that demonstrate respect for the environment and promote a sense of community.

Brad Jacobson: Green Architect

I am passionate about sustainable design and the environment generally.

Xanthe Jory: Charter School Founder

I take the arts very seriously. I believe arts education is critical to human development and learning. The Bronx Art School is founded on this principle.

Dale Margolin: Youth Advocate

I felt that the best way for me to try to help foster children was to become a lawyer. It most suits my skills and personality. Although I never thought of myself as a teacher, I am enjoying this new, additional role, and it is making me a better advocate!