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Jenai Longstaff

Jenai Longstaff


Why I'm majoring (or minoring) in Urban Studies: As a student of Earth Systems, it is important to me to incorporate the urban sphere (physical, environmental, cultural, and political) into my studies and future work.

What I like best about Urban Studies: The Urban Studies department is so supportive, intimate and friendly!

Favorite class / professor (and why): Food and Society (HumBio 166) with Christopher Gardner and Tom Robinson. This class was an excellent seminar with an emphasis on class discussion and projects. There was so much ripe discussion (in class and on our class blog) covering a wide variety of food-related topics all approached from a myriad of valuable perspectives.

Favorite book (and why): The Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson is my favorite book because it examines the human condition through such uniquely and heartbreakingly beautiful poetic prose.

Career goal / Future plans: Working at the intersections of urban agriculture and social justice (whether that be through non-profit community organizing or food-tech) Honors Thesis or other research project:

Other academic interests (major, minors): Earth Systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Track

Extracurriculars: Fossil Free Stanford Student Outreach Coordinator Garden Manager and Yoga Instructor at Synergy House Route Setter at the Stanford Climbing Wall I also love to draw, sing, cook, write poetry and play the guitar and accordion.

Something else you should know about me: Between high school and college, I took a gap year to study Mandarin in Shanghai, China on the NSLI-Y State Department funded exchange program.