COVID-19 and Your State

See how COVID-19 has impacted where you live. Use the Best States links below to see the latest state-level information on coronavirus cases and deaths as well as data on the pandemic's economic impact. Each searchable dataset is accompanied by visualizations that show trends and allow for comparisons between states.

Driven by Data

The battle against the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, hinges heavily on adherence to guidelines calling for social and physical distancing, the wearing of masks to prevent the virus’ spread, a state’s testing capability and medical capacity, and production and acceptance of an effective vaccine.

Underpinning these efforts is pandemic-related data that can inform both government and individual decisions on mandated precautions and acceptable, personal risks. The data at the links above comes from sources including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and USAFacts. Users can search for and see the direct impact of the coronavirus on their state now and over time, while metrics such as unemployment rate and unemployment insurance claims can indicate how the virus is impacting individuals’ finances and a state’s economy.

Along with the data-driven journalism integral to the mission of Best States and U.S. News & World Report, these datasets and visualizations can serve as tools to inform residents, public health leaders and government officials about which pandemic-related policies and practices will drive better health outcomes for all.