Team Retreats

Spring 2017 Team Retreat

Deep Collaborations

We continue to facilitate discussion amongst Center Staff who are working on different facets of allergy and asthma. In April, our Center Staff participated in an all-day internal retreat to synergize efforts and facilitate discussions between those working in the clinical, laboratory, and computational sciences. We welcomed many of our collaborators from other labs and departments within the Stanford School of Medicine for this day of shared science at the Arillaga Family Clubhouse at the Stanford Campus Recreation Association (SCRA). 

So many great presentations at the Spring 2017 Retreat

Autumn 2016 Team Retreat

Looking Towards a Bright Future Together

Our Center team came together in September to share updates and insights between all of our internal experts —  from clinical to laboratory to community outreach. Together, we enjoyed the sunshine at the Arillaga Family Clubhouse at the Stanford Campus Recreation Association (SCRA). These regular retreats provide time and space for us to bounce ideas, tackle challenges and elevate our Center's research. 

Patients are sure to recognize familiar faces in these photos. 

The Center Team at the Autumn 2016 Retreat

Spring 2016 Team Retreat

Solving a Mystery Together

Usually hard at work searching for clues to find cures,  the Center Team joined forces in late March to solve a different kind of mystery. Working together in small groups, we interviewed suspects and sussed out the guilty parties in the elaborate story staged by the Murder Mystery Co.  A few of our own suspects turned out to have pretty good acting skills. The retreat gave us an ideal opportunity to unify our growing team and have  fun together.  

Patients are sure to recognize familiar faces in these fun photos -- be sure to look for award-winning actor Andrew and award-winning actress Alex. 

The Center Team at the Spring Retreat

Autumn 2015 Team Retreat

An Amazing Team

On October 5, 2015 the entire Center Team met for an Autumn Retreat. We all completed a fun treasure hunt around downtown Palo Alto, apparently in record time  — stretching our minds and legs. After the Treasure Hunt, Center Director Dr. Kari Nadeau, Center Clinical Manager Sally Mackey and Dr. Jenna Bollyky, led a discussion of the impact of the Center and the vision for its future. The Center has recently joined Stanford’s Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, expanding the Center's mission to now also encompass asthma research and patient care. This collaboration will expedite our research in finding preventative strategies and treatment innovations for asthma and allergy.

Patients are sure to recognize familiar faces in these fun photos. 

Dr. Kari Nadeau addressing the Center Team at the Autumn Retreat