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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a gift? Whom do I call? Where do I mail my check?

Where should I direct my gift?

How will my gift be recognized? How will I know how my gift is being used?

How can I get a copy of my gift receipt?

How can I update my contact information or credit card information?

What are the tax benefits of making a gift to Stanford?

What is Stanford's federal tax ID number? Is Stanford a 501(c)(3) organization?

Will my company match my gift? What do I need to do to make a matching gift?

Are there minimum gift levels for large gift opportunities?

Whom should I contact to discuss a large gift opportunity?

What is the difference between "endowed" and "expendable" gifts? How does Stanford's endowment work?

What are the benefits of giving securities?


How do I make a gift? Whom do I call? Where do I mail my check?

The fastest way to give to Stanford is to make a gift online. The website allows you to make a gift or pledge payment in a variety of ways.

Or call us with your credit card information toll-free at 866.543.0243 (outside the U.S. please call 650.724.0627), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

You can also mail a check made out to Stanford University. Please include a note telling us how to direct your gift and send it to:

Development Services
P.O. Box 20466
Stanford, CA 94309-0466

For information about making a stock gift, visit our appreciated securities transfer page or call the gift securities team at 650.721.1917.

If you wish to make a gift by wiring funds to Stanford, visit our federal funds wire transfer page for details.

To arrange a planned gift (such as a bequest or life income gift), please visit the Planned Giving section of this site or contact the Office of Planned Giving at 800.227.8977, ext. 54358.

Where should I direct my gift?

Most donors make annual gifts to The Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education, a school annual fund, or Athletics' Buck/Cardinal Club. Annual giving provides flexible resources that can be directed to Stanford's greatest needs. You also may wish to support your reunion campaign.

To explore other options, visit What to Support.

How will my gift be recognized? How will I know how my gift is being used?

Many schools and programs at the university publish annual reports that include honor rolls. Unless you have designated your gift as anonymous, your name may appear in one of these reports at the appropriate gift level.

Donors who have established named funds at Stanford—typically endowed funds or larger expendable funds—receive regular reports from the university. Reporting may include contact from faculty or students, depending on the nature of the gift. In addition, annual financial reports are sent to all donors of endowed funds.

How can I get a copy of my gift receipt?

Send an email to with "Replacement gift receipt" in the subject line. Or call 650.725.4360 and choose option #3 to speak to our gift processing department.

How can I update my contact information or credit card information?

To change your contact information, send an email to with "Update contact information" in the subject line.

To change the credit card you use for a recurring gift or pledge, please call 650.725.4360, and choose option #3 to speak to our gift processing department.

What are the tax benefits of making a gift to Stanford?

All gifts to Stanford are tax deductible in the United States. There may also be tax benefits for residents of other countries; see Information for International Donors.

Bequests and life income gifts may offer significant tax savings. See the Planned Giving section of this site for more information.

What is Stanford's federal tax ID number? Is Stanford a 501(c)(3) organization?

Stanford’s FID # is 94-1156365. The university is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.

Will my company match my gift? What do I need to do to make a matching gift?

To find out if your company offers a gift-matching program, consult the online database of matching companies. You can also ask your human resources department about your company's policy. You will probably need to fill out a form provided by your company, which your company will send to Stanford.

If your company offers matching gifts, please let us know at the time you make your gift. If you give online, check the box next to "I will submit a matching gift from my employer" in the Payment Details section of the site.

Are there minimum gift levels for large gift opportunities?

Most endowed funding opportunities require gifts starting at levels including the following.

Gift Opportunity Gift Level
School-Based Professorship $4 million
Senior Fellow $3 million
Faculty Scholar Awards $2 million
Graduate Fellowship $1.2 million
Need-Based Undergraduate Scholarship (Young alumni may establish an endowment with a minimum gift of $166,666) $250,000
Athletic Scholarship (Full Ride) $1.25 million 
Program Support Funds Varies
Building Funds Varies

Whom should I contact to discuss a large gift opportunity?

To learn more, please contact Trish Gerber, Director, University Major Gifts, at 650.736.4020.

What is the difference between "endowed" and "expendable" gifts? How does Stanford's endowment work?

Expendable gifts are used in their entirety during a specific period of time. Gifts to annual funds, for example, are expendable. Some larger expendable gifts are used over longer periods.

Endowment refers to funds meant to exist in perpetuity, such as a scholarship or professorship. These gifts are invested for the long term and intended to provide a permanent source of financial support for the university. Each year, a portion of the fund is paid out—usually about 5 percent—and used for the purposes the donor and the university agreed upon when the gift was made. See the Endowment FAQ for more details.

What are the benefits of giving securities?

If you have securities that have appreciated in value, giving them to Stanford allows you to receive a tax deduction for your gift without incurring capital gains taxes. You may wish to discuss the tax benefits of your gift with your accountant or attorney.

Visit our appreciated securities transfer page for details. If you have additional questions about giving securities to Stanford, please contact Gift Securities at 650.721.1917.


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