For Our Local Support Partners

If you provide IT Support in your own local department, please know that IRT is here to help you.

  • We hold monthly meetings for you to attend: the School of Medicine Support operations Meeting (AKA SoM SoM), on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
  • We also send out occasional emails providing relevant and helpful items about changes, downtimes, or technical issues about which we feel the need to share information.
  • We strongly recommend that you use the Remedy/HelpSU system to document your own work, and to facilitate routing of tickets between support providers.
  • We also strongly recommend that you take full advantage of the freely-available Essential Stanford Software (BigFix, Sophos AntiVirus, etc.), the various discounted software from vendors like Microsoft and Adobe, and of Stanford's discounted pricing with Apple and Dell (and now Lenovo).

For further information on any of this, see other parts of this website, submit a HelpSU request, or call us at 5-8000. We would especially welcome your feedback about this website, as we want it to meet your needs and those of your users.