Required Courses

Pathology 290 Research Training in Pediatric Nonmalignant Hematology and Stem Cell Biology

This course covers a broad range of topics in both basic and translational aspects of nonmalignant hematology and stem cell biology. Pediatric hematologic disorders provide an important paradigm to study other developmental systems. Subjects covered include hematopoiesis, basic stem cell biology, endothelial cell development, alternative models to study nonmalignant hematology and stem cell biology (zebrafish and drosophila), defects in white cell function, basic research in stem cell transplantation, state of the art methods in nonmalignant hematology and stem cell biology (genomics, proteomics, and gene therapy), and bioinformatics.

There will be two lectures each week for the winter quarter. Twenty different faculty members who are experts in their field will give lectures. There is a final take-home exam that will be graded.

Pediatrics 255 Scientific Integrity: Responsible Conduct of Research

This course introduces standard and acceptable practices in the life sciences, with emphasis on responsibilities in research activities such as record keeping, data treatment, authorship, peer review, mentoring, and participation in research that engages human or animal subjects. Conflicts of interest, ownership of data and other intellectual property, and potential problems stemming from use of data from human genetic or stem cell experiments are examples of additional topics for discussion.



Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Training Program

Charlene Larson Rotandi, Fellowship & Postdoctoral Administrator
1000 Welch Road, Suite 300
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(650) 723-5535