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Manuscript Review Workshops

The Manuscript Review Workshops at the Stanford Humanities Center are designed to provide timely feedback to faculty members who are preparing monographs or other academic manuscripts of similar scope for submission for publication.
The program is open to tenured and tenure-track Stanford faculty in the humanities whose work has an interdisciplinary focus in any area or period, is near completion, and is still in a position to benefit substantially from review. Those preparing editions and translations are also welcome to apply. Preference is given to untenured, tenure-track faculty; in addition, tenured faculty are welcome to apply. Because of limited resources, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, emeriti, and visiting scholars are not eligible for the program.
A three-hour seminar forms the heart of the program. In consultation with the author, two external reviewers and several Stanford faculty members from different disciplines are invited to read the work in advance. The Humanities Center gathers the author and reviewers for an afternoon of discussion followed by an informal dinner. Readers provide collegial, constructive criticism to assist the author in developing strategies to strengthen the work and place it for publication. Funded jointly by the Humanities Center and the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences, the initiative covers all the costs for the program, including copying and distributing the manuscript, travel accommodations and honoraria for the two external reviewers, and the dinner following the meeting.
Individual faculty members who are interested in applying to the program should submit a letter of inquiry including:
  • brief description of the project – no more than 1,000 words
  • timeline for completion
  • short list of possible external reviewers
  • external and internal funding received thus far
  • up-to-date curriculum vitae
Since 2014-15, the Manuscript Review Workshops has operated on a rolling deadline, two quarters in advance, based on availability. For example, applications for workshops to be held in spring quarter 2017 should be submitted in fall 2016. Applications submitted in winter and spring-summer 2017 will be considered for fall 2017 and winter 2018, respectively. (There is some flexibility to this scheduling, depending on availability; please contact Kelda Jamison at if you have questions.)