Diehn Lab  


Circulating Tumor DNA Sequencing Method Can Identify Lymphoma Subtypes, Predict Patient Outcomes

DNA Mapping May Lead to Personalized Cancer Treatment
[DailyJournal Online]

Start-ups selling new blood tests directly to consumers raise safety and accuracy concerns
[Los Angeles Times]

The Quest for a Simple Cancer Test

At Tri-Con, Groups Detail NGS-Based Strategies to Detect ctDNA Mutations at Ever-Lower Frequencies

Stanford Team Develops Two-Step Error Correction Method for Liquid Biopsy Assay

Scientists offer hope to millions of cancer patients forced to endure painful tests

Improved 'liquid biopsy' technique from Stanford enhances detection of tumor DNA in blood
[Science Codex]

Molecular prognostic index may predict survival in early-stage NSCLC
[Healio-HemOnc today]

Nine-gene MPI can provide accurate survival stratification in patients with NSCLC
[EurekAlert-Oxford University Press USA]

How Blood Tests Are Changing Medicine

New Test Spots Traces of Early Lung Cancer
[abc7 News]

Simple blood test may detect solid cancer tumors

Cancer blood test edging closer
[LABMATE Online]

Simple blood test could detect cancers
[Fox News, Medical News Today]

Simple Blood Test Could Detect Cancer Early
[Voice of America]

A genomic strategy for residual disease monitoring in non-small cell lung cancer
[Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, Department of Defense]

Experts Convene at CSHL to Scrutinize, Assess Low-Dose CT Screening for Lung Cancer
[Long Island.com]


Blood test giving false sense of security about cancer risk?
[CBS News]

Simple Blood Test to Spot Early Lung Cancer Getting Closer

Using Blood Tests To Diagnose And Treat Disease
[The Diane Rehm Show]

Blood Test Could Detect Common Cancers

Spotting Cancer DNA in the Blood


Improved 'liquid biopsy' technique enhances detection of tumor DNA in blood
[Stanford Medicine News Center]

Precision health: Predicting and preventing disease — not just treating it
[Stanford Medicine News Center]

Blood test could provide rapid, accurate method of detecting solid cancers, study finds
[Stanford Medicine News Center]

Study explains why drug may help more cancer patients
[Stanford Medicine News Center]

Common drug class targets breast cancer stem cells, may benefit more patients, says study
[SCOPE published by Stanford Medicine]

Stanford scientists awarded grants for innovative research
[Stanford Medicine News Center]

Source of cancer stem cells' resistance to radiation discovered at Stanford
[Stanford Medicine News]


Tumor Liquid Biopsy
Krebsdiagnose aus dem Blut

[Pharmazeutische Zeitung online]

Simple blood test could soon diagnose if patient has cancer and how far advanced the disease it is, scientists say
[Daily Mail]

Krebsmedizin: Bluttest spürt zirkulierendes Tumor-Erbgut auf
[Spiegel online]

Bluttest soll Krebs leichter erkennbar machen
[Die Welt]

Durchbruch in der Krebsforschung?
Bluttest erkennt Tumor-Erbgut zuverlässig


Test erkennt frühzeitig Tumor-Stücke im Blut

Krebs: Test erkennt DNA solider Tumore im Blut

Neu entwickelter Bluttest erkennt Erbgut von Tumoren
[Hamburger Abendblatt]

A simple blood test to detect 'solid' cancers?
[The Times of India]

Could a blood test be used to detect lung cancer?

A simple blood test could help detect ‘solid’ cancers
[The HealthSite]

Cancer diagnosis without biopsy? Now possible
[The Voice of Russia]

Quick and Simple Blood Test to Detect Cancer
[News Tonight Africa]

Tumore ai polmoni: un test del sangue potrebbe rivelarlo
[International Business Times - IT Edition]

CANCER du POUMON: Les promesses d’un test sanguin ultrasensible
[santé log]

Peneliti Temukan Metode Sederhana Deteksi Kanker


[Phil enews]


[TO BHMA science]


Simple Blood Test could Diagnose Cancer
[Austrian Tribune.com]

Here’s how your DNA could help breast cancer research

A blood test to detect a wide range of cancers
[west/welfare society territory]

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