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Retiree Contribution Rates

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Employee Contribution Rates

View Employee Contribution Rates in the Medical Plans site

Grandfathered Retirees (Non-Medicare Eligible)

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2017 Monthly Contribution

Medical Plan Costs Per Month Total Cost University Contribution Your Contribution
Kaiser Permanente HMO
Retiree Only $676.96 $676.96 $0.00
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,421.60 $1,165.72 $255.88
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,218.52 $999.20 $219.32
Retiree & Family $1,963.16 $1,609.80 $353.36
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $744.64 $488.76 $255.88
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,286.20 $932.84 $353.36
Child(ren) Only $541.56 $322.24 $219.32
Stanford Health Care Alliance (SHCA)
Retiree Only $708.08 $676.96 $31.12
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,487.00 $1,165.72 $321.28
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,274.60 $999.20 $275.40
Retiree & Family $2,053.48 $1,609.80 $443.68
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $778.92 $488.76 $290.16
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,345.40 $932.84 $412.56
Child(ren) Only $566.52 $322.24 $244.28
Aetna EPO
Retiree Only $933.40 $676.96 $256.44
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,960.08 $1,165.72 $794.36
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,680.04 $999.20 $680.84
Retiree & Family $2,706.76 $1,609.80 $1,096.96
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $1,026.68 $488.76 $537.92
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,773.36 $932.84 $840.52
Child(ren) Only $746.64 $322.24 $424.40
Blue Shield Healthcare + Savings Plan 
Retiree Only $793.84 $676.96 $116.88
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,585.88 $1,65.72 $420.16
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,359.32 $999.20 $360.12
Retiree & Family $2,190.00 $1,609.80 $580.20
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $792.04 $488.76 $303.28
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,396.16 $932.84 $463.32
Child(ren) Only $565.48 $322.24 $243.24

Grandfathered Retirees (Medicare Eligible)

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2017 Monthly Contribution

Medicare Advantage Plans Total Cost University Contribution Your Contribution
Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage
Retiree Only $302.56 $302.56 $0.00
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $605.26 $496.32 $108.94
Retiree & Child(ren) $604.78 $495.92 $108.86
Retiree & Family $905.88 $742.82 $163.06
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $302.70 $193.76 $108.94
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $603.32 $440.26 $163.06
Child(ren) Only $302.22 $193.36 $108.86
Health Net Seniority Plus
Retiree Only $419.00 $302.56 $116.44
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $838.00 $496.32 $341.68
Retiree & Child(ren) $838.00 $495.92 $342.08
Retiree & Family $1,257.00 $742.82 $514.18
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $419.00 $193.76 $225.24
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $838.00 $440.26 $397.74
Child(ren) Only $419.00 $193.36 $225.64
United Healthcare Group Medicare Advantage
Retiree Only $412.00 $302.56 $109.44
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $824.00 $496.32 $327.68
Retiree & Child(ren) $824.00 $495.92 $328.08
Retiree & Family $1,236.00 $742.82 $493.18
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $412.00 $193.76 $218.24
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $824.00 $440.26 $383.74
Child(ren) Only $412.00 $193.36 $221.10
Medicare Supplement Plans Total Cost University Contribution Your Contribution
Blue Shield Retiree Medical Plan
Retiree Only $491.52 $302.56 $188.96
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $983.04 $496.32 $486.72
Retiree & Child(ren) $983.04 $495.92 $487.12
Retiree & Family $1,474.56 $742.82 $731.74
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $491.52 $193.76 $297.76
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $983.04 $440.26 $542.78
Child(ren) Only $491.52 $193.36 $298.16
United Healthcare Senior Supplement
Retiree Only $568.00 $302.56 $265.44
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,136.00 $496.32 $639.68
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,136.00 $495.92 $640.08
Retiree & Family $1,704.00 $742.82 $961.18
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $568.00 $193.76 $374.24
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,136.00 $440.26 $695.74
Child(ren) Only $568.00 $193.36 $374.64
Health Net Medicare COB
Retiree Only $642.20 $302.56 $339.64
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,284.40 $496.32 $788.08
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,284.40 $495.92 $788.48
Retiree & Family $1,926.60 $742.82 $1,183.78
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $642.20 $193.76 $448.44
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,284.40 $440.26 $844.14
Child(ren) Only $642.20 $193.36 $448.84

Non-Grandfathered Retirees (Non-Medicare Eligible)

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2017 Monthly Premiums

Non-Medicare Eligible 2017 Monthly Premium
Kaiser Permanente HMO
Retiree Only $676.96
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,421.60
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,218.52
Retiree & Family $1,963.16
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $744.64
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,286.20
Child(ren) Only $541.56
Stanford Health Care Alliance
Retiree Only $708.08
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,487.00
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,274.60
Retiree & Family $2,053.48
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $778.92
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,345.40
Child(ren) Only $566.52
Aetna EPO
Retiree Only $933.40
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,960.08
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,680.04
Retiree & Family $2,706.76
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $1,026.68
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,773.36
Child(ren) Only $746.64
Blue Shield Healthcare + Savings Plan
Retiree Only $793.84
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,585.88
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,359.32
Retiree & Family $2,190.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $792.04
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,396.16
Child(ren) Only $565.48

Non-Grandfathered Retirees (Medicare Eligible)

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2017 Monthly Premiums

Medicare Eligible 2017 Monthly Premium

Medicare Advantage Plans

Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage
Retiree Only $302.56
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $605.26
Retiree & Child(ren) $604.78
Retiree & Family $905.88
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $302.70
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $603.32
Child(ren) Only $302.22
Health Net Seniority Plus
Retiree Only $419.00
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $838.00
Retiree & Child(ren) $838.00
Retiree & Family $1,257.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $419.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $838.00
Child(ren) Only $419.00
United Healthcare Group Medicare Advantage
Retiree Only $412.00
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $824.00
Retiree & Child(ren) $824.00
Retiree & Family $1,236.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $412.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $824.00
Child(ren) Only $412.00

Medicare Supplement Plans

Blue Shield Retiree Medical Plan
Retiree Only $491.52
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $983.04
Retiree & Child(ren) $983.04
Retiree & Family $1,474.56
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $491.52
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $983.04
Child(ren) Only $491.52
United Healthcare Senior Supplement
Retiree Only $568.00
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,136.00
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,136.00
Retiree & Family $1,704.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $568.00
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,1360.00
Child(ren) Only $568.00
Health Net Medicare COB
Retiree Only $642.20
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $1,284.40
Retiree & Child(ren) $1,284.20
Retiree & Family $1,926.60
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner Only $642.20
Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner & Child(ren) $1,284.40
Child(ren) Only $642.20

Non-Grandfathered Retirees Worksheet

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Calculate Your 2017 Monthly Costs

Step 1 From the Contribution Chart, enter the monthly cost for the medical plan and coverage level you want for 2017. $ _____________
Step 2 Enter the annual contribution credit allowed for the coverage level you want in 2017. $ _____________
  Retiree Only: $137.70  
  Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner: $221.38  
  Retiree & Child(ren): $221.38  
  Retiree & Family: $305.06  
Step 3 Enter your years of benefits-eligible employment (provided by Stanford Benefits).    _____________
Step 4 Multiply the credit by the years of service to get your annual contribution credit. This is the annual credit you receive for retiree medical coverage in 2017. $ _____________
Step 5 Divide this number by 12 to get your monthly credit amount. $ _____________
Step 6 Subtract your monthly credit amount in Step 5 from the monthly premium shown in Step 1. This is your monthly cost for medical coverage in 2017. $ _____________
Step 7 If you want dental coverage in 2017, enter your cost from the Retiree Dental Plan Contribution Chart. $ _____________
Step 8 If you want vision coverage in 2017, enter your cost from the Retiree Vision Plan Contribution Chart. $ _____________
Step 9 Add Step 6, Step 7 and Step 8. This is your total monthly cost for retiree health care coverage in 2017. $ _____________

Example (Non-Medicare Eligible Kaiser Permanente – Retiree Only)

Step 1 From the Contribution Chart, enter the monthly cost for the medical plan and coverage level you want for 2017. $676.96
Step 2 Enter the annual contribution credit allowed for the coverage level you want in 2017. $137.70
   Retiree Only:  $137.70  
   Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner: $221.38  
   Retiree & Child(ren): $221.38  
   Retiree & Family: $305.06  
Step 3 Enter your years of benefits-eligible employment (provided by Stanford Benefits when you retired). 10
Step 4 Multiply the credit by the years of service to get your annual contribution credit. This is the annual credit you receive for retiree medical coverage in 2017. $1,377.00
Step 5 Divide this number by 12 to get your monthly credit amount. $114.75
Step 6 Subtract your monthly credit amount in Step 5 from the monthly premium shown in Step 1. This is your monthly cost for medical coverage in 2017. $562.21
Step 7 If you want dental coverage in 2017, enter your cost from the Retiree Dental Contribution chart. $32.44
Step 8 If you want vision coverage in 2017, enter your cost from the Retiree Vision Contribution chart. $0.00
Step 9 Add Step 6, Step 7 and Step 8. This is your total monthly cost for retiree health care coverage in 2017. $594.65

Retiree Dental Plan

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2017 Monthly Contribution

NOTE: If you want to enroll in a Retiree dental plan, you must first be enrolled in a Retiree medical plan.

Dental Costs Per Month Total Cost University Contribution Your Contribution
Delta Dental PPO
Retiree Only $38.44 $6.00 $32.44
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $80.76 6.00 $74.76
Retiree & Child(ren) $69.20 6.00 $63.20
Retiree & Family $111.52 6.00 $105.52

Retiree Vision Plan

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2017 Monthly Contribution

NOTE: If you want to enroll in a Retiree vision plan, you must first be enrolled in a Retiree medical plan.

Vision Costs Per Month Total Cost University Contribution Your Contribution
VSP Vision Care
Retiree Only $11.70 $0.00 $11.70
Retiree & Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner $18.72 $0.00 $18.72
Retiree & Child(ren) $19.10 $0.00 $19.10
Retiree & Family $30.80 $0.00 $30.80