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Stanford Fellows

Stanford Fellows

This program is designed to broaden faculty and senior staff members' understanding of the university by addressing issues related to Stanford's mission, governance, priorities, and its internal and external relations.


Ten faculty and senior staff members are selected annually to serve as a Fellow for two years. They are identified on the basis of:

  • Excellence in their current position
  • Potential for future contributions to the university
  • Overall fit with the rest of the cohort

Selection & Eligibility

Participants are traditionally nominated by the most senior leader within their school or unit in partnership with their local human resources representative, and approved by the president and provost.

Nominees should hold senior level positions at the dean, vice president or vice provost level, or report to someone at that level.

Faculty nominees should also be members of the Academic Council who show promise of becoming not only distinguished scholars, but also academic statespersons interested in contributing to the well-being of the university.


Stanford Fellows is chaired by two leaders selected by their peers. The Fellows consider topics of interest at 10 dinners held throughout the academic year, with guest speakers invited from within and outside of the university.


The Stanford Fellows Program dates back to 1969, when Professor Herbert Packer first established the University Fellows Program. Since its founding, over 240 faculty and administrators have served as Fellows.