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Required Training

It is important that all employees take required training courses and sign applicable acknowledgements related to their work. The list below provides direct links to several key courses, acknowledgements or assessments that may apply to you.

Your department may also require specific training courses based on your job duties. Consult your manager regarding the sequence and specific classes for you to complete.



Employee Information Security Awareness All employees are required to view a 15-minute information security awareness video. You have 45 days from your start date to complete this requirement before you are blocked from all Stanford sites that require authentication.
General Safety, Injury Prevention (IIPP) and Emergency Preparedness

All employees

SLAC employees are required to take EOES&H in lieu of this training

Administrative Guide Acknowledgement

All employees are required to review and acknowledge five specific university policies detailed in the Administrative Guide.

Acknowledgement of Mandated Reporter Any employee or supervisor of an employee must sign this acknowledgement before interacting with minors (under 18 years of age).
HIPAA/Protecting Patient Privacy

This training is required for the University to remain in compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which requires covered entities to train all workforce members on policies and procedures related to protected health information (PHI). All faculty, staff, and students within the Stanford University HIPAA Components are required to complete HIPAA training within 30 days of joining the University and annually thereafter.

Your department will notify you if you are required to complete this training and will handle your enrollment.

Financial Confidentiality Agreement Employees working with confidential Stanford financial data or systems will be required to take this course.

Harassment Prevention Training:

All employees are required to take the course level that applies to their position.

All new non-supervisory staff and non-faculty teaching professionals (including adjuncts, lecturers, TAs, CAs, and other academic/research staff such as visiting profs/fellows/scholars & post-doctoral students).

Employees are expected to complete this requirement within 60 days of their start date.

This program represents a renewed effort to educate University members about illegal forms of discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence. Learn about resources, clarify your obligation to report, how to assist survivors and be a positive “upstander” in the Stanford community.

NOTE: Classroom sessions are limited to newly hired employees. There is no online course available at this time. An online course will be available in November 2017.

California law mandates that employers with 50+ employees require their supervisors to participate in 2+ hours of harassment prevention training every two years.

Faculty and staff supervisors have an obligation to ensure a work and scholarly environment that is free of sexual harassment, sexual violence and discrimination. Learn about resources, your reporting obligations, how to assist survivors and be a positive “upstander” in the Stanford community.

If you are a supervisor and don’t receive the STARS assignment notification, with one week of your state date, please contact:

Research Compliance Research at Stanford is managed to ensure compliance with a great number of regulations, policies and procedures. Staff involved in research are required to take a variety of courses through the Office of Research Administration to ensure compliance. Your supervisor will also provide you with information on required training specific to your role.
Ergonomics: Computer Workstation Training for staff who user computers at work

Training Needs Self-Assessment

Employees can complete this self-assessment which asks a series of questions related to your work duties and job role. After completing the self-assessment, please review the training recommendations with your manager.

NOTE: SLAC employees should meet with their managers to discuss required training for their roles