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Travel & Reimbursement Procedures

All travelers should submit a Trip Roster and Itinerary prior to travel. This data will be used for emergency contact use only.

Tips for getting reimbursed quickly:


  • Submit ALL original itemized receipts (taped to a sheet of paper ready to scan)
  • Indicate if a receipt was lost for charges over $75.00 and provide a reason.
  • Submit original invoice for airfare; if electronic ticket submit E-ticket receipt showing payment. (Govt. grants require you use American carriers when flying)
  • Submit an itemized hotel bill displaying a zero balance. If necessary, have the hotel fax it to you.
  • Submit car rental receipts (not agreements) - insurance offered by rental agencies (Loss-of-Damage Waiver, Collision Damage Waiver, Personal Accident Insurance, Liability Coverage, etc.) are not reimbursable unless you are traveling in Hawaii or foreign countries.  Waive additional insurance, Stanford's plan provides coverage for vehicles rented for Stanford business.
  • Car Mileage - include beginning and ending odometer readings (you get $.56/mile which is inclusive of gas).
  • Alcohol - Must be highlighted, totaled (including tax) on receipts and itemized separately in forms below.
  • Submit Conference Program/Agenda regardless of whether you are a presenter or an attendee with your request for reimbursement. If you present an abstract, that must be included also.
  • Include announcements and/or itineraries if attending a conference or inviting a guest speaker.
  • Class lists and additional attendees are needed for course field trips.

Per Diem

Per Diem Rates
Please consult with someone in the GS office before claiming per diem

Steps for getting reimbursed:

  • Gather receipts and any required forms.
  • Fill out the Excel spreadsheet to itemize your expenses. For non-travel expenses under $100.00 please see Maria Lopez or Yvonne Lopez for petty cash reimbursement rather than filling out this form.
  • Fill out the  Certification Memo This form is required if you are spending money on a grant and you are not the Principal Investigator (PI). This form is also necessary if someone else has paid for the trip and they will be requesting per diem reimbursement for your costs. The PI signature is required before you can be reimbursed (for course expenses this is Alyssa).
  • EMAIL your EXPENSE REPORT FORM to the appropriate person.
  • Check to see if you require any of the "Supplemental Forms" below.
  • Bring all original receipts and forms requiring signatures to the appropriate person.

The current turn-around times for Stanford's central reimbursement offices are 20 working days, so please be patient.

Supplemental Forms

Visitors or Suppliers will receive an invitation email with a link to the Supplier / Payee Request Portal where they can verify personal contact information and upload all confidential data, such as these forms, before payment.

Note: Department administrators should not attach confidential information to an Expense Requests transaction.

LA-6 FORM (required for ALL non-Stanford travelers) PDF File 
This form is required in order to prevent you from being taxed on your reimbursement. Non-US citizens must provide copies of their passport, visa, I-94 card. J-1 visitors must also submit the DS-2019 (formerly IAP-66).