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Images of particles made from a promising battery cathode material called NMC

Fossil & Nuclear Energy

Timeline showing starting dates of Carbon Capture and Sequestration demonstration projects.  More information can be be found on the  Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Issues and Prospects research article.

Meeting the growing global demand for energy will require dramatically increasing the efficiency of fossil fuels, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  Stanford faculty are working on several approaches, including advanced engine combustion, switching from coal to cleaner natural gas and capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions for sequestration or reuse. The Stanford Natural Gas Initiative brings the knowledge and skills of faculty from across the campus to facilitate the environmentally responsible development of shale-gas resources around the world. The Stanford Center for Carbon Storage addresses critical issues needed to assess the potential for safe and effective geological sequestration of COin deep underground formations. Researchers are also studying the potential role of nuclear power as an emissions-free source of energy. Topics include the economics of nuclear power, small modular reactors and the risk of proliferation of nuclear materials.

For more information, explore the Fossil & Nuclear Energy research areas: