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Digital Personnel Files (e-files)

Image-based employee records

Use of a software application, Nolij, has been adopted by several schools and units to cease using paper for employee records and convert existing personnel paper records to be stored electronically as document images in an electronic record (e-file). Advantages to this approach include:

  • Reduced need to use physical space for storage of paper records
  • Increased security to records since only those authorized can login to the system to view specific records
  • Ability to easily share employee records when there are job transfers (no photocopying)

Digital personnel files in Nolij are currently for active benefits-eligible employees (no temps or casuals). E-files are not available for employees who terminated prior to 2012, when e-file usage began.

Learn more about Stanford's use of Nolij on the University IT website.

Staff transfers from areas using e-files

Five schools and units have moved entirely to image-based (digital) active staff personnel files and a paper file is no longer available when one of their employees transfers out from those groups. These areas are:

  • Business Affairs & CFO
  • Land, Buildings & Real Estate
  • School of Medicine
  • University HR
  • Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL)

HR teams must make provision for the transfer of their employee’s file before that employee is transferred in the PeopleSoft system.

All other schools and units receiving a transfer IN from an employee working in these five areas have three choices to manage the personnel file of the transferring employee:
  1. Nolij: Receive the image-based file in the Nolij system, and be trained on how to view and maintain the file in Nolij.
  2. Hybrid: Receive the image-based file in the Nolij system, and be trained on how to view the file, and maintain a paper file for new items in that employee's record going forward.
  3. Paper: Receive the image-based file in the Nolij system, print it out, and maintain only a paper personnel file going forward.  The new department will be responsible for assuring the old imaged documents are maintained separately from the newly created documents that were never imaged-based.


To obtan access to Nolij send the following information to

  • Name (HRA/HRM/DFA who will need access)
  • Parent Org Code
  • Desired Rolse (see Roles - Access Levels document)


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