If you are taking an individual graduate course for credit or toward a graduate certificate or masters degree, by the close of the second week of each academic quarter you are required to designate an Exam Monitor who will administer and submit your completed exams to the Stanford Center for Professional Development. The Exam Monitor role is a critical component of earning Stanford academic credit at a distance and must be completed prior to the stated Exam Monitor designation deadline.

Designating an Exam Monitor

Please nominate an exam monitor through the "My Exam Monitors" section of your mystanfordconnection account.

Exam monitors may be:

  • Company or immediate supervisors
  • Company HR representatives
  • Company Education coordinators
  • Local College/School representatives
  • Local Librarians
  • Tutor club representative
  • Official proctoring service

Exam monitors may not be:

  • Peers
  • Direct reports
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Former coworkers/supervisors
  • Fellow students

If you reside within commuting distance of Stanford (25 miles), you may be asked to come to campus for exams.
If you come to campus for exams, you will still need to have an exam monitor designated for each quarter, to act in a back-up capacity.
It is recommended that you identify a back-up exam monitor in case the primary monitor is unavailable on the day of the exam.

Exam Processing

  1. Exams with instructions for administering including start time will be sent to your designated monitor.
  2. Completed exams must be signed and submitted by the exam monitor (not the student).
  3. Your exam monitor must email (scpd-distribution@lists.stanford.edu) or fax (650.736.1266) completed exams as a PDF or Microsoft Word document to the SCPD Distribution team.
  4. Exams are forwarded to and graded by the academic department in which you are enrolled.
  5. Graded exams are returned to the SCPD Distribution team by the academic department and receive a date stamp as proof of grading completion.
  6. Date-stamped graded exams are returned electronically to students at the email address indicated on the exam monitor form.