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Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements

Outgoing MTAs

Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements govern the transfer of materials from Stanford to outside researchers. Stanford encourages researchers to share materials with other researchers without an MTA when possible.

MTAs are required for transfers of human tissues (see below) and California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) funded materials.

Certain types of materials require approval by research compliance panels under University policy before they are sent out. For more information, see Human Subjects Panels (IRB), Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO)Laboratory Animals (A-PLAC), Biosafety (EH&S) and Radiological Hazards (EH&S).

For an Outgoing MTA …

ICO recommends that PIs who want an agreement to send out materials use one of the standard agreements below. For assistance, contact ICO.

Human Tissues

Stanford researchers are required to use an agreement to share human tissues, human blood samples or other human research specimens.  These transfers must be approved in advance by the Human Subjects Panels (IRB). Please see FAQs for Human Tissue Transfer agreements.

For Sharing Human Tissues …

Complete and submit the online Human Tissue Transfer Intake Form.  ICO will confirm receipt by email and contact the Principal Investigator to verify information on the intake form. ICO will then contact the receiving party to negotiate and sign the agreement.