Grad Teaching @Stanford

Welcome to your Graduate Career

Quickly find activities to prepare you for your immediate teaching needs and future career.

  1. Sort the activities below by both the Developmental Stage of your teaching as well as the Area of Focus that you wish to develop.
  2. Download a  Development Plan to help organize and plan for workshops/activities of interest at each stage in your graduate career. Create a development plan for yourself.

Finding your developmental stage - 1, 2, or 3?

  1. Foundation: You're teaching for the first time.
  2. Skills: You're teaching regularly.
  3. Mastery: You're ready for advanced opportunities.

Thinking developmentally about your teaching progress does not need to add more to your schedule. Instead, it will help you to be more efficient with your preparations and enhance the experience of both you and your students.

An experienced TA leads a workshop. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Find out about advanced TA positions and how to seek them out.
Two students debrief about teaching. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL
Learn how to seek out feedback from a peer or mentor.
A student listens intently.
Learn more about different assessment techniques and see a list of...
A woman explains her perspective. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Educational Conference Overview Regardless of what field you're in, you'll...
Three students work around one laptop. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Departmental TA Meetings Overview When you are a TA, it becomes all the...
Two students attend orientation. Three students work around one laptop. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
See what your own department offers to get you started in your teaching.
An experienced instructor shares some advice.
About Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching The Vice Provost for Teaching and...
Female TA, clicker in hand, speaking in front of class. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford VPTL.
Are you a grad student who loves teaching? Want to share your experiences...
Students work together in class.
Ensure that all of your students feel comfortable in your classroom.
Learn more about an opportunity to teach in NYC.
A lecturer models best practices.
Here's a concise list of things to consider when lecturing.
Two windows at Stanford. Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
Learn more about what to include in your personal statements.
Female TA delivers a lesson. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Design and Teach a Lesson Overview When you TA, you might find that the...
a sample poster for a conference
Here are some steps for better poster designs.
A TA listens and takes notes. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Training Fellow TAs Overview You've probably discoverd that when you TA a...
CS TA Katherine Breeden teaching. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Looking for a teaching job outside your own department? Here are places to...
Two TAs talking outside, smiling. Photo by Rod Searcecy for Stanford CTL.
Learn more about how to get feedback on your teaching as a TA.
Graduate School of Education building
Learn more about an opportunity to launch a career in secondary school...
Students on couches talking
Learn how to lead even when you're not an expert.
One male TA smiles at another. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Leading a TA Workshop Overview As you gain TA experience, you may find...
A CTL consultant shares some tips.
Learn more about two opportunities to get involved with VPTL as a liaison...
MinT Fellows laugh together at a a training workshop
Learn more about becoming a MinT Fellow.
On the first day of the quarter, our new batch of Stanford students will...
Instructor lectures in front of chalk board. Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
Why and how you should give a guest lecture in the class you TA.
Effective office hours between instructor and student
Learn about making the most of office hours, including scheduling and...
Student at mic giving presentation. Photo by Rod Searcey for Stanford CTL.
Assign and grade these activities that allow students to demonstrate their...
Two women smile at the camera. Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
Teaching Goals Overview The best teachers know that it is critical to take...
Learn how to help prepare new TAs.
Get an overview of TA Training with VPTL, including key VPTL contacts,...
Learn more about how teaching experince counts.
Learn more about how to create a record of successful teaching.
A woman smiles at the camera. Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service
Reaching Out to Faculty and Instructors Overview Here at Stanford, you are...
An instructor manages a conflict with two students.
Learn more about preventing and managing conflict with students.
Teaching news, features, events, and grants--a quick infusion of energy...
Learn more about how you could become a mentor as an experienced TA.
Students leverage technology for leraning.
Tech in Teaching Overview Technology is a major part of students’ lives,...
Student in a CTL class, grinning; other students in background
Learn more about VPTL's course offerings.