Grad Workshops & Events

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Male Caucasian grad student speaking earnestly, gesturing

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Communication Matters Workshop Series

Audience: Grad Students

The Communication Matters Workshop Series is sponsored by the VPGE but led by Doree Allen and Tom Freeland of the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking. This three-part workshop focuses on improving the oral communication skills you have already begun to develop as scholars and teachers and on adapting these skills to suit the range of rhetorical situations you will inevitably encounter in your careers .

Learn more about the series and sign up

VPGE Academic Chat Series

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See Also

Don't Miss These Courses


Peer Tutor Training

Goal is to help students become effective peer tutors for course material already mastered by articulating aims; developing practical tutoring skills including strategies for drop-in sessions;... Learn More


Race, Athletics and College Achievement (AFRICAAM 165, CSRE 165)

How do social identities affect how people experience academic interactions? How can learning environments be better structured to support the success of all students? In this class, we will... Learn More


Independent Study

Special study under lecturer direction, usually leading to a written report or an oral presentation. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.


Practicum for fellows in the Stanford-SJSU Preparing Future Professors Program

Nine weekly one-hour sessions consisting of discussions of: (1) the previous week's SJSU shadowing experiences and (2) readings related to session themes.


Preparing for Faculty Careers

For graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from all disciplines who are considering a faculty career of any type and at any of a broad range of institutions. Numbers are limited and so whether... Learn More


Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (EDUC 297)

(Same as LAW 303) This course is co-taught by Tom Ehrlich, GSE, and Mariatte Denman, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning. It provides doctoral and masters students with an... Learn More


Independent Study

Special study under lecturer direction, usually leading to a written report or an oral presentation. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.


Science and Engineering Course Design (ENGR 312)

For students interested in an academic career and who anticipate designing science or engineering courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. Goal is to apply research on science and... Learn More


Leadership and Administration in Higher Education

Definitions of leadership and leadership roles within colleges and universities. Leadership models and organizational concepts. Case study analysis of the problems and challenges facing today's... Learn More


Designing the Professional

How to Get a Life as well as a PhD or Masters: Seminar open to ALL graduate students and post-docs in all 7 schools. Learn to apply design thinking to designing your professional life following... Learn More


Voice and Articulation Intensive for Non-Native English Speakers

Workshop focusing on exercises designed to help foreign students improve their articulation and delivery in English. Work includes breath, sound, enunciation, melody, and colloquialism. Course was... Learn More


The Art of Effective Speaking (ORALCOMM 217)

The principles and practice of effective oral communication. Through formal and informal speaking activities, students develop skills framing and articulating ideas through speech. Strategies for... Learn More


Voice Workshop (ORALCOMM 115)

Focus is on breath, voice production, expansion of vocal range and stamina, and clarity of articulation. Geared toward public speaking including presentations, lectures, and job talks. May be... Learn More


The Art of Effective Speaking (ORALCOMM 117)

The principles and practice of effective oral communication. Through formal and informal speaking activities, students develop skills framing and articulating ideas through speech. Strategies for... Learn More


Oral Communication for Graduate Students

(Formerly CTL 219.) Graduate student speaking activities such as teaching (delivering lectures, guiding discussion, and facilitating small groups), professional presentations and conference papers... Learn More