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Help and Training

Help requests

University IT responds to Help requests about WordPress. In some cases, we enlist the assistance of Stanford’s active WordPress community by referring your request to the WordPress Users Email List or to community-provided documentation on the Open Source Lab WordPress topic page

WordPress users mailing list

The WordPress users mailing list ( is used to reach other WordPress users at Stanford. It's a great place to ask for suggestions on plugins and using WordPress at a university.

Membership is open to anyone at Stanford. You can join the list by visiting the subscriber page. Once you've joined, you will be able to access the mailing list archives. You don't need to join to send a message to the list, but non-members emails are moderated to combat spam.

WordPress documentation

WordPress maintains excellent documentation on This documentation contains information on how to create posts and pages, use permalinks, etc.

For details on updating WordPress and installing plugins and themes at Stanford, see the Keep WordPress up-to-date as well as the Add Plugins and Themes sections of this guide.


Technology Training offers group and one-on-one customized training if you need more in-depth answers to your questions.

Last modified May 12, 2017