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How to Access File Storage

How you access File Storage depends upon your computer. Here are the procedures specific to Windows and Macintosh platforms:


Native Support—No additional client software is required.

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. On the Tools menu, click Map Network Drive
    Note: In Windows Vista, click F10 to see the Tools menu if it is not displayed.
  3. Enter Drive Information: \ \ <Server Name> \ <Share Name> (Once File Storage is set up, you will be supplied with both the Server Name and the Share Name.)
  4. At the next screen, enter authentication win \ <SUNet ID> and password.

Macintosh (OS X)

Native Support—No additional client software is required.

  1. Open Finder
  2. In Finder, on the Go menu, click Connect to Server
  3. Enter Drive information: cifs:/ / <Server Name> / <Share Name> (Once File Storage is set up, you will be supplied with both the Server Name and the Share Name.)
  4. At the next screen, enter authentication <SUNet ID> and password.
Last modified March 17, 2014