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Shu MJ, Zalden P, Chen F, Weems B, Chatzakis I, Xiong F, Jeyasingh R, Hoffmann MC, Pop E, Wong H-SPhilip et al..  2014.  Ultrafast terahertz-induced response of GeSbTe phase-change materials. Applied Physics Letters. 104:251907.
Coffee RN, Schultz T, .  2014.  Ultrafast X-ray Auger probing of photoexcited molecular dynamics.
McFarland BK, Farrell JP, Miyabe S, Tarantelli F, Aguilar A, Berrah N, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Bucksbaum PH, Castagna JC et al..  2014.  Ultrafast X-ray Auger probing of photoexcited molecular dynamics. Nature communications. 5
Sellberg JA, Huang C, McQueen TA, Loh D, Laksmono H, Schlesinger D, Sierra RG, Nordlund D, Hampton CY, Starodub D et al..  2014.  Ultrafast X-ray probing of water structure below the homogeneous ice nucleation temperature. Nature. 510:381–384.
Sellberg JA, Huang C, McQueen TA, Loh ND, Laksmono H, Schlesinger D, Sierra RG, Nordlund D, Hampton CY, Starodub D et al..  2014.  Ultrafast X-ray probing of water structure below the homogeneous ice nucleation temperature. Nature. 510:381–384.
Küpper J, Stern S, Holmegaard L, Filsinger F, Rouzée A, Rudenko A, Johnsson P, Martin AV, Adolph M, Aquila A et al..  2014.  X-ray diffraction from isolated and strongly aligned gas-phase molecules with a free-electron laser. Physical Review Letters. 112:083002.
Fang L.  2014.  X-ray FEL induced multiphton ionization and molecular dissociation. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 59
Bacellar C, Chatterley A, Cryan JP, Ziemkiewicz M, Gessner O, Bernando C, Gomez L, Jones C, Tanyag R, Vilesov A et al..  2014.  X-ray pump/X-ray probe femtosecond coherent diffractive imaging of electron dynamics in pristine and embedded xenon clusters. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 59
Shwartz S, Fuchs M, Hastings JB, Inubushi Y, Ishikawa T, Katayama T, Reis DA, Sato T, Tono K, Yabashi M et al..  2014.  X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation. Physical review letters. 112:163901.
Harmand M, Coffee RN, Bionta MR, Chollet M, French D, Zhu D, Fritz DM, Lemke H, Medvedev N, Ziaja B et al..  2013.  Achieving few-femtosecond time-sorting at hard X-ray free-electron lasers. Nature Photonics. 7:215–218.
Grilj J, Sistrunk E, Koch M, Chergui M, Guehr M.  2013.  Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. Analytica. 2013
Jiang M, Giraldo P, Fisher I, Reis DA.  2013.  Anomalous Coherent Oscillations in PbTe from Ultrafast Optical Pump-Probe Measurements. APS Meeting Abstracts. 1:12009.
Bogan MJ, Laksmono H, Sierra RG.  2013.  Apparatus and Method for Nanoflow Liquid Jet and Serial Femtosecond X-ray Protein Crystallography.
Sun Z, Zhang W, Ji M, Hartsock R, Gaffney KJ.  2013.  Aqueous Mg2+ and Ca2+ Ligand Exchange Mechanisms Identified with 2DIR Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:12268–12275.
Rohringer N, Weninger C, Purvis M, Ryan D, Brown G, Albert F, Dunn J, Graf A, Hau-Riege S, Bozek JD et al..  2013.  Atomic Inner-Shell X-Ray Lasers pumped by XFEL sources. CLEO: Science and Innovations. :CTh1H–1.
Grilj J, Sistrunk E, Koch M, Guehr M.  2013.  A beamline for time-resolved extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray spectroscopy. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5399.
Meier D, Reinhardt D, Schmid M, Back CH, Schmalhorst JM, Kuschel T, Reiss G, Srichandan S, Vogel M, Strunk C et al..  2013.  Book Chapter. Phys. Rev. B. 88:184425.
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Sun Z, Zhang W, Ji M, Hartsock R, Gaffney KJ.  2013.  Contact Ion Pair Formation between Hard Acids and Soft Bases in Aqueous Solutions Observed with 2DIR Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:15306–15312.
McFarland BK, Farrell JP, Miyabe S, Tarantelli F, Aguilar A, Berrah N, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Bucksbaum PH, Castagna JC et al..  2013.  Delayed ultrafast x-ray Auger probing (DUXAP) of nucleobase ultraviolet photoprotection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3104.
Guehr M, McFarland B, Farrell J, Miyabe S, Tarantelli F, Aguilar A, Berrah N, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Bucksbaum PH et al..  2013.  Delayed Ultrafast X-ray Induced Auger Probing. Laser Science. :LW5H–3.
Trigo M, Fuchs M, Chen J, Jiang MP, Kozina ME, Ndabashimiye G, Cammarata M, Chien G, Fahy S, Fritz DM et al..  2013.  Direct measurement of time-dependent density-density correlations in a solid through the acoustic analog of the dynamical Casimir effect. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3503.
Parrish RM, Hohenstein EG, Martínez TJ, C Sherrill D.  2013.  Discrete variable representation in electronic structure theory: Quadrature grids for least-squares tensor hypercontraction. The Journal of chemical physics. 138:194107.
Fang L, Hoener M, Gessner O, Tarantelli F, Pratt ST, Kornilov O, Buth C, Guehr M, Kanter EP, Bostedt C et al..  2013.  Double core hole production in N2: Beating the Auger clock. arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.1429.
Larsson M, Salén P, van der Meulen P, Schmidt HT, Thomas RD, Feifel R, Piancastelli MNovella, Fang L, Murphy BF, Osipov T et al..  2013.  Double core-hole formation in small molecules at the LCLS free electron laser. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 46:164030.
