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Wang L-P, Titov A, McGibbon R, Liu F, Pande VS, Martínez TJ.  2014.  Discovering chemistry with an ab initio nanoreactor. Nature chemistry.
Hsieh W-P, Trigo M, Reis DA, Artioli GAndrea, Malavasi L, Mao WL.  2014.  Evidence for photo-induced monoclinic metallic VO2 under high pressure. Applied Physics Letters. 104:021917.
Ware M, Natan A, Bucksbaum PH.  2014.  Experimental evidence of light induced conical intersection in photodissociation of diatomic molecules. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 59
McFarland BK, Berrah N, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Bucksbaum PH, Castagna JC, Coffee RN, Cryan JP, Fang L, Farrell JP et al..  2014.  Experimental strategies for optical pump–soft x-ray probe experiments at the LCLS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 488:012015.
Jiang M, Hoffmann M, May A, Delaire O, Sales B, Merlin R, Savic I, Murray E, Fahy S, Reis DA.  2014.  Exploration of Phonon Behavior in PbTe from Ultrafast Time-Resolved Pump-Probe Measurements. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
Sistrunk E, Grilj J, Jeong J, Samant MG, Gray AX, Dürr HA, Parkin SSP, Gühr M.  2014.  Extreme Ultraviolet Transient Grating Spectroscopy of Vanadium Dioxide. arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.5964.
Boll R, Rouzée A, Adolph M, Anielski D, Aquila A, Bari S, Bomme C, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Chapman HN et al..  2014.  FD 171: Imaging Molecular Structure through Femtosecond Photoelectron Diffraction on Aligned and Oriented Gas-Phase Molecules. Faraday Discuss.. :-.
Rolles D, Boll R, Adolph M, Aquila A, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Chapman HN, Coffee RN, Coppola N, Decleva P et al..  2014.  Femtosecond x-ray photoelectron diffraction on gas-phase dibromobenzene molecules. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 47:124035.
Murphy BF, Osipov T, Jurek Z, Fang L, Son S-K, Mucke M, Eland JHD, Zhaunerchyk V, Feifel R, Avaldi L et al..  2014.  Femtosecond X-ray-induced explosion of C60 at extreme intensity. Nature communications. 5
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Rupp D, Adolph M, Flückiger L, Gorkhover T, Müller JPhilippe, Müller M, Sauppe M, Wolter D, Schorb S, Treusch R et al..  2014.  Generation and structure of extremely large clusters in pulsed jets. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 141:044306.
Rupp D, Adolph M, Flückiger L, Gorkhover T, Müller JPhilippe, Müller M, Sauppe M, Wolter D, Schorb S, Treusch R et al..  2014.  Generation and structure of extremely large clusters in pulsed jets. The Journal of chemical physics. 141:044306.
Wolf TJacob Arca, Kuhlman TScheby, Schalk O, Martínez TJ, Møller KBraagaard, Stolow A, Unterreiner A-N.  2014.  Hexamethylcyclopentadiene: time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio multiple spawning simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16:11770–11779.
Schroedter L, Müller M, Kickermann A, Przystawik A, Toleikis S, Adolph M, Flückiger L, Gorkhover T, Nösel L, Krikunova M et al..  2014.  Hidden Charge States in Soft-X-Ray Laser-Produced Nanoplasmas Revealed by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Physical review letters. 112:183401.
Ndabashimiye G, Ghimire S, Reis DA.  2014.  High Harmonic mixing in Solid Argon. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 59
Hantke MF, Hasse D, Maia FRNC, Ekeberg T, John K, Svenda M, N Loh D, Martin AV, Timneanu N, Larsson DSD et al..  2014.  High-throughput imaging of heterogeneous cell organelles with an X-ray laser. Nature Photonics.
Hantke MF, Hasse D, Maia FRNC, Ekeberg T, John K, Svenda M, N Loh D, Martin AV, Timneanu N, Larsson DSD et al..  2014.  High-throughput imaging of heterogeneous cell organelles with an X-ray laser. Nature photonics.
Erk B, Boll R, Trippel S, Anielski D, Foucar L, Rudek B, Epp SW, Coffee R, Carron S, Schorb S et al..  2014.  Imaging charge transfer in iodomethane upon x-ray photoabsorption. Science. 345:288–291.
Boll R, Rouzée A, Adolph M, Anielski D, Aquila A, Bari S, Bomme C, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Chapman HN et al..  2014.  Imaging molecular structure through femtosecond photoelectron diffraction on aligned and oriented gas-phase molecules. Faraday Discussions.
Boll R, Rouzée A, Adolph M, Anielski D, Aquila A, Bari S, Bomme C, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Chapman HN et al..  2014.  Imaging Molecular Structure through Femtosecond Photoelectron Diffraction on Aligned and Oriented Gas-Phase Molecules. arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.7782.
Gaenko A, DeFusco A, Varganov SA, Martínez TJ, Gordon MS.  2014.  Interfacing the Ab Initio Multiple Spawning Method with Electronic Structure Methods in GAMESS: Photodecay of trans-Azomethane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 118:10902–10908.
Mucke M, Zhaunerchyk V, Squibb RJ, Kaminska M, Eland JHD, P Meulen vd, Salén P, Linusson P, Thomas RD, Larsson M et al..  2014.  Mapping the decay of double core hole states of atoms and molecules. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 488:032021.
Liekhus-Schmaltz CE, Tenney I, Osipov T, Bucksbaum PH, Petrovic V.  2014.  Mapping the fragmentation of acetylene with femtosecond resolution pump probe at LCLS using 2, 3, and 4 particle coincidences. CLEO: QELS\_Fundamental Science. :JTh2A–88.
Kozina M, Hu T, Wittenberg JS, Szilagyi E, Trigo M, Miller TA, Uher C, Damodaran A, Martin L, Mehta A et al..  2014.  Measurement of transient atomic displacements in thin films with picosecond and femtometer resolution. Structural Dynamics. 1:034301.
Helml W, Maier AR, Schweinberger W, Grguras I, Radcliffe P, Doumy G, Roedig C, Gagnon J, Messerschmidt M, Schorb S et al..  2014.  Measuring the temporal structure of few-femtosecond free-electron laser X-ray pulses directly in the time domain. Nature Photonics. 8:950–957.
