Does the AARC offer programming to learn more about internships and jobs?

Yes! Through partnership with the Career Development Center (CDC) and the various graduate schools at Stanford, the AARC provides resources and support to assist Stanford student-athletes in achieving their career and graduate school goals. Throughout the academic year, the CDC provides the following programming to student-athletes, hosted in the AARC:

Programming for Student Atheletes

  • Writing resumes and cover letters
  • Resume critiques
  • Job/internship search strategies
  • StrengthsQuest
  • Interviewing strategies
  • Orientation to the Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM) Program

Student-Athlete Career Fair

The AARC and CDC also partner to host a Student-Athlete Career Fair, typically in January of each year, where student-athletes have an opportunity to speak with employers from a variety of industries who have expressed a specific interest in hiring Stanford student-athletes.


Representatives from Stanford Medical School, Law School, and the Graduate School of Business as well as UAR Pre-Professional Advisors also host workshops in the AARC to discuss the application and preparation process for the various professional programs.


Please contact Solomon Hughes for more information.



See also