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Personal Development Courses

Many Stanford departments offer teaching and pedagogy courses that are open to all graduate students. If in doubt, seek permission from the instructor.

We have identified and tagged courses that, based on their description in Explore Courses, appear to align with our Graduate Professional Development Framework or with our Preparing for Faculty Careers or Interdisciplinary Learning portfolios. We have not taken these courses, so please let us know if you think a course is not appropriate or if you identify a course we should include.

Use the filters on the left to refine your search or to view other course feeds. Click on any course to view the details in Explore Courses.

Please note that courses may have prerequisites or limited enrollment or may require permission from the instructor. You should contact the instructor if you have specific questions; the VPGE office does not have any influence over the courses offered by departments.

Title Instructor(s) Quarter Day, Time, Location
DESINST 311 (section 1)
Design Abilities Studio

In this Design Abilities Studio students will learn and practice several applied skills with hands-on activities that vary in length, duration, deliverables, and concept....

2017-2018 Winter
DESINST 366 (section 1)
Creative Gym: A Design Thinking Skills Studio

Build your creative confidence and sharpen your design thinking skills. Train your intuition and expand the design context from which you operate every day. This...

2017-2018 Spring
1:30pm - 3:20pm
ENGR 280 (section 1)
From Play to Innovation

Focus is on enhancing the innovation process with playfulness. The class will be project-based and team-centered. We will investigate the human "state of play" to reach an...

2017-2018 Spring
Tuesday Thursday
1:30pm - 2:50pm
ENGR 311A (section 1)
Women's Perspectives

Master's and Ph.D. seminar series driven by student interests. Possible topics: time management, career choices, health and family, diversity, professional development,...

2017-2018 Winter
4:30pm - 5:20pm
ENGR 311B (section 1)
Designing the Professional

Once I get my degree, how do I get a life? What do you want out of life after Stanford? Wondering how to weave together what fits, is doable, and will be truly meaningful...

2017-2018 Spring
5:30pm - 7:20pm
HUMSCI 201 (section 1)
Graduate Environment of Support

Psychosocial, financial, and career issues in adapting graduate students to Stanford; how these issues relate to diversity, resources, policies, and procedures....

2017-2018 Autumn
12:00pm - 1:20pm
Econ 139
LAWGEN 115N (section 1)
Human Rights Advocacy

What are the origins of the human rights movement and where is it headed? What does it mean to be a human rights activist? What are the main challenges and dilemmas facing...

2017-2018 Autumn
Tuesday Thursday
9:00am - 10:20am
William H. Neukom building 102
ME 315 (section 1)
The Designer in Society

This class focuses on individuals and their psychological well being. The class delves into how students perceive themselves and their work, and how they might use design...

2017-2018 Winter
1:30pm - 4:20pm
550-STUDIO 1
MS&E 254 (section 1)
The Ethical Analyst

The ethical responsibility for consequences of professional analysts who use technical knowledge in support of any individual, organization, or government. The means to...

2017-2018 Spring
3:00pm - 5:50pm
Green Earth Sciences150
MS&E 277 (section 1)
Creativity and Innovation

Experiential course explores factors that promote and inhibit creativity and innovation in individuals, teams, and organizations. Teaches creativity tools using workshops...

2017-2018 Autumn
9:00am - 11:50am
550-STUDIO 2
