Stanford Web Forms Service

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For years, IT Services has provided the Formage tool for building simple Web forms to collect information. But as Web technologies have changed and the Stanford community's needs and expectations have grown, the Formage application has, to put it kindly, fallen behind. Now you don't have to fill the Formage gap by going to companies like SurveyMonkey or Wufoo for a modern form tool...

Enter the Stanford Web Forms Service now available to anyone with a full-service SUNet ID for making contact forms, short surveys and polls, instructor evaluations, and other forms free of charge. No knowledge of HTML, Javascript, or SQL is required and the resulting forms are fully integrated with Stanford's web infrastructure.

How It Works

The form building application provides a selection of pre-formatted fields and elements (both general-purpose and Stanford-specific), as well as pre-defined actions, which make it quick and easy to construct Web forms. Data collected through the forms can then be emailed to the form owner and/or stored in a MySQL database where it can be viewed through a secure Web interface.

Try the service at

More Information

The Stanford Web Forms Service is available to anyone at Stanford with a full-service SUNet ID and has been developed under an open source license. IT Services anticipates community participation in its continuing development and already has plans to enhance its interface and functions in future versions.

Getting Help

If you are having problems working with the Web Forms Service, you can:

Upcoming Features and Feature Requests

Features are constantly being added. You can view newly implemented, upcoming or enter your own request for features on the Features page. Alternatively, you can discuss additions to the service on the user mailing list.


What would a self-respecting service be without a Frequently Asked Questions page? If you have a particular question about using the service that's not covered in the documentation in the interface, please see the FAQ page. If that page does not answer your question, feel free to ask for help with any of the methods mentioned in the Getting Help section.

Bugs and Bug Reports

Found a bug and want to see if we already know about it? Want to heckle us for not having it fixed yet? We track all known issues on the Issues page. We prefer that you contact the developer's mailing list if you have a bug to report so we can reproduce it and enter it on the page, but feel free to edit the page directly if you'd like as we watch it for changes, too.

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